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kara pov

"This is Danielle I can't come to the phone right now. leave me a message I'll get back to you when I can, thank you."

"Hey Danny, its kara it lunch and Cat isn't exactly happy right now please call me. I'm worried." I finished after I heard the beep making me sigh something isn't right, Cat is threatening to fire Danny if she doesn't come in, she been moody; more than usual anyways.


Speaking of the devil. now wasn't the time, looking up in the sky all I could see was grey with rain thundering against the windows; anyone would believe it was normal but having a sister who's goddess who controls the elements you can see the difference, she is angry and upset, and I don't know were she is. I tried calling her home but still no answer. I can't call Alex she to busy with hydra to answer her phone so I need to call John, Lena to busy with L.Corp.

After one and two rings John picked up "kara, what wrong? "its Danielle she isn't answering her phone all day and the storm outside isn't going away" I gasped as lightning flashed across the sky making everyone jump in surprise.

"ill go over to her house and kara don't worry ill find her" John resurged me I knew john would help they known each other for a long time but I still wish I could help her she is my sister.

John pov

After I hung up on kara I flew to Danielle building being careful of the storm that's is stronger by the building. "Danielle come on answer your door!" banking on the door hoping she would answer, trying to listen if I could hear any sense of her.


Moving quickly I sheathed threw the door only to reveal the entire appointment destroyed, scorched marks across the walls and furniture what was left of them, widows were smashed nothing looked the same, photos where destroyed it looked like the storm that is outside was once inside.

Moving to her room seeing the door almost off its hinges and burn marks across it oping feeling the breeze from the smashed window "Danielle!!" rushing over seeing her pasted out on her bed trying to shake her awake feeling relief when I heard her let out a small moan and groan I could see the outside storm was getting calm.



"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?"

"w...what happened?"

Feeling she was still weak to move or talk; God knows how much of her powers she used last night without her control.

Hour later

Poring two class of tea and a couple of chocolate chip pancakes; her favourite, she probably hasn't eaten since yesterday morning. Walking into her room with wth two trays "what have I told you about cooking in my kitchen" Danielle teased making me chuckle as I set them down but she didn't make any movement to eat "you should eat" "I'm not hungry." Seeing she was in no mood to back down making me shack my head looking her now remind me of the days we meant.

Past 2007

12 am

Danielle pov

"Miss prince you have a visitor wanting to speke with you" letting out a tired sigh just one more hour and I can go home "send them in" hearing the buzz go off making me grind my teeth hearing the same sound a hundredth time.

Hearing the door click softy making me open my eyes to see a man with black hair but that not what surprised me the most he wasn't from this plant I just don't know were.

"it's great to finally meet you Miss Prince, names Director Henshaw. Hank Henshaw from the 'American museum" raising my eyebrow in interest he not from the American museum I thought smirking slightly as he took seat taking out a tablet showing me ideas for us to join. The docmuins were impressive but I wasn't in the mood to cure, whoever this man is really should think before lying to me.

"I'm sorry director but maybe we should continue this some other time I could possible reschedule" I played along with his games seeing what he once and why.

He was about to protest "its been a long day director, for both of us" I insisted, I relay just want to get home.

Checking out I was able to drive home but I notice a car driving behind me been following me for the 10 minutes since I left the Louvre they weren't trying to hard to be stealthy.

Turning into a signed road allowing my car to go completely dark as the car drives pasted.

3 am

After making sure I wasn't following I drove home peace and quiet at last;

"I suggest you leave before I call the cops" I threatened, turning on the lights reviling the man from the museum sitting in my couch "I'm sure you won't need the cops Miss Prince" during a handgun before he could blink clicking off the safety pointing it at his head, he put his hand in surrender "I need your help."

"you lye about your identity and fallow me into my home why would you expect me to help you" I said, hissed moving step closer making the gun comes in contact with his head.

"name Guardian, the hero of WW1 and 2. went missing for more than 100 years. there more I know about you then the atir..." I cut him off by pulling him in a chock hold against the wall.

"Never mention that name again"

I threatened tightening the hold against him making it clear I won't hesitate to kill him even if I promised not to kill.

"let's just talk"

"whatever you want. I don't want any part of it. now leave before I take back on my promise and kill you." I threatened, making it clear.

Feeling his presence leave the room i calmed down I relay need sleep, food can wait till the morning.



"be safe"

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"be safe"


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