Around and around

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Danielle pov

This makes no sense he said he doesn't remember from the time the alarms went off but the video shows he was there but he was waring cloth so brainy wasn't able to fingerprints.

Everything is messed up no can make sense of what going on "for the last time where is the files you stole!?" Alex spoke, exhausted was clear on her voice it been over 48 hours and no one has slept some think we ben used to for the past year.

"I don't know I don't remember taking them or deleting the files. Please, director, you have to believe me I didn't do this." Jackson spoke desperate, I frowned he's telling the truth seeing as the lasso was wrapped around his wrist but he was still in pain at this rate he'll be dead.

"Alex, can I talk to you for a second?"

looking at me sister as she nodded taking the lasso of Jackson wristed making the man clasped, making me rush over him helping down "Alex at this rate. hell, be too exhausted to even breath."

Looking at Alex as she used her hand to comb threw her short heir "this makes no sense. I've had agents search threw his belongings and found nothing." "he telling the truth no human can break the hold of the lasso." I informed

"more questions than answers were just going in circles. Again."

Hearing the sound of swooshing behind us turning to see kara looking just as defeated as us, we sent her hoping she would finding hydra....and nothing.

"I'm really starting to lose hope were never going to find anything. I'm praying Brainy as something new" Alex noded I wanted to go a see how Steve is doing.

. . .

"How is that possible that's he admitted he did it but says he didn't...?" steve summed up what I've explained what's going on and so far he right. "you tell me" I shrugged, grounding falling in the chair dramatically making steve chuckle, rolling my eyes.

"Okay try this let's get all the clues together and go from there." He suggested making me frown "I've already gone threw the evidence and came up with nothing" I huffed making him roll his eyes "truest me my friend used to do this before missions and its help."



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