It's impossible

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Danielle pov

Alex came to find me saying we need to get Lena she still isent answering our calls and we need her help, and kara aid she wasn't ready to face her yet without remembering what she had done.

"you think she would want to see us. Never mind coming to the DEO"Alex questions as the elevator opened making me sigh, "I don't know."

Stepping out seeing an empty dest making frown wheres Eve wasn't she supposed to be here, hearing the sound of the office door opening almost have a heart attack seeing the same brunette I was with a couple of nights ago.



both of us spoke at the same time both of us in shock. I could see Alex having a look of confusion before relation darn before she smirked I could already feel my face heat up as the door opened again revealing the CEO looking more confused.

"what's going on out here?"

please, someone, kill me

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Lena asked, looking at Alex and me with concern before she looked back at Lana "oh I almost forgotten Danielle. Alex this is......."

"Lana. I know we've met before..." I cut her off before she could finish making her look confused looking back and forth between Lana and I making me before even more red.

"Yeah. We met at a bar the night before I started. If I knew you each other...." "no no its fine actually" Lena smirked, making me glare at her; what is she trying to say "actually can we talk" I pleaded the CEO to listen and not try and make this more embarrassing and I could see Alex wanting to say something.

I didn't give her a chance as I pulled my sister by the hand, rushing into the office. As soon as I closed the door Alex burst out laughing making me huff falling into one of the chair choosing to ignore the redhead from now on.

Not a second later the doors opened with the raven-haired CEO with a smirk on her lips making me grown "don't not. A . word. I demanded to look at them both making them chuckle before they both took a seat.

"so whats going on kara is she okay?" Lena asked making me smile knowing she still cured before it fell "no its rose. She woke up."

• • •


rushing out of the office after explaining everything but stop hearing a voice shouting my name making me close my eyes.

"go. I'll meet you there" I advised, speaking to the two making them smile before leaving turning to the brunette.



laughing feeling the tense rising "sorry about what happen with my sister she relay didn't help" relation drawn on her face before a smile took over before she begins laughing making me confused.

"it's okay but about that night...."

"Can we not talk about what happened that day. I can't right now" I cut her off feeling my heart brake as her eyes begin glossy but I can't have my heart being broken again not like before.

"I'm sorry"

whispering softly before walking away trying not to allow the tears to fall or look back if I did I would have taken everything back.

• • •

showing up at the DEO after taking a detour hoping not to arrive with a tear stain face. Walking in noticing the room was filled with tense making me race an eyebrow but stop seeing both kara and Lena in tears.

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