I'm sorry

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Danielle pov

"We're going to run some blood samples on what type of experiments they had done and hopefully we find what we're dealing with" Lena spoke, looking at steve seeing him clenching his fist trying to hold his anger not like before when I wnt to go and see him.

10 minute before the meeting




walking inside hearing the repped of hitting the punching bag made me stop seeing steve punching furiously at one noting even wearing anything to protect his hands." you okay?"

steven glance at me as he threw a final punch "I don't know what to feel" he whispered but I still heard him anyway. "I no..." "NOO. YOU DON'T. YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR OWN DAUGHTER FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE AFTER BEING TAKING BY SOME PEOPLE WE NO NOTHING ABOUT!!!" steven yelled throwing punch crying out when I heard a snap of bone.



he cut me off leaving the room with a broken wrist, not even allowing me to heal him.

If only he knew;

I already felt what he felling


"So now it's just a waiting game?" Alex asked, signing in annoying. God knows how long we're going to find out HYDRA and their next move, and by then they could already kill thousands of people.

We all split up after that I went back to Rose room hoping to heal more of her injuries.


looking up seeing steve holding onto his hand looking more in pain "come on" I advised moving to one of the chairs so he can sit reviling his broken hand as I moved mine allowing it to glow golden hearing a hiss in response as the bones moved back together

"I'm sorry I had no right to snapped at you for all you had done finding her"

"I know your thoughts were loud to hear" seeing him confused "I can read minds I can control it don't worry..." chuckling seeing the frightened looked

"your thoughts were sending them to me without me realizing it" I explain, smiling as the hand was healed.

Watching in amusement seeing him move it in shock "you should go home, get some rest" I mumbled, moving to walked over to Rose "I meant it, Danielle. Thank you. for everything."

"I no"


Hope you like it

"be safe""always"

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"be safe"

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