I'm so sorry

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guardian pov

lighting travelled threw my skin as kara sent her own powerful burst of heat version but I could tell she was beginning to strain making my attack stronger pushing her back.

3rd personAs Guardians power grew stronger supergirl became weaker she was already feeling the burning in her eyes making her scream before it was too late as guardian power overpowered her own

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3rd person
As Guardians power grew stronger supergirl became weaker she was already feeling the burning in her eyes making her scream before it was too late as guardian power overpowered her own.

* * * * *

smoke could be seen for miles as the two heroes stayed completely exhausted, beaten both struggle to stand. guardians version was too bleary to make out her sister form everything in her body screamed when she tried to move like all the power she had felt had vanished.

Guardian pov

after my hearing cleared I could her movement form the over side of me making me glanced back only to see a blurred figure moving toward me almost struggling it was until I felt ruffed hands on my body making me cry.





3rd person

the plea went unnoticed as the alien as she sent weak punches even tho the alien was only able to make out red and blue she couldn't even hear to words her sister had pleaded. It wasn't until she felt ­somthink sharp breaking into her unbreakable skin giving her the most unbelieve pain she had ever felt making her let out a piercing scream.

"Dani....Danielle?!" supergirl cried, whimpering as the goddess own blade; covered with bright red blood, she could feel the red kryptonite leaving her body and mind all she felt was nothing but guilt as every memory came crashing down.

"K.....kara?" Danielle whispered, shock evidence on her face as tears fell as supergirl begin coughing up blood as she fell into her sister's arms dropping her sword as she laid her gently on the ground, as blood coated the catsuit.

"dan..daneille...I'm so. so sorry"

kara gasped, tears fell from both of the hero's facers as Danielle struggled to heal her sister to heal her, she wasn't going to lose her.

Fighting the power to close her eyes looking at her sister fighting to heal her she was able to make out her appearance more and more making the blond cry out more she didn't want her to heal she couldn't face to the guilt of know what she had done. Done to everyone.


neither of the heroes had heard johns voice behind them as the pain began to much forever of them to handle.


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