change part 2

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Kara pov

"well that was over-exaggerated" looking back at cat making me frown is she not going to say anything about Danielle, why is she looking for someone else. so many thoughts racing threw my mind.

"where Danielle?" I snapped, making Cat snap her gaze back at me before racing her eyebrow "she didn't tell you. she was fired.." cat stated without any emotion I didn't know what this feeling was but anger.


Cat jumped up in shock at the sound of my voice but I didn't get a chance as my phone seeing Danielle name pop up with a text message 'meet is at the DEO its HYDRA' making me huff, of course, I didn't cure less about them right now.

Not even glancing at Cat shocked expression I left, taking my time to get to the DEO.


Landing on the DEO platform seeing everyone was already there making me roll my eyes as I took my time walking over there not missing the concerned gaze from Alex and Danielle.

I barely paid attention what was happening I think some about some powerfull alien being taking by Hydra and being forced to help them need to be stopped; same old same old.

"supergirl!! Supergirl are you even listening!!!"

Alex yelled making me become irritated even more I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I don't cure "whatever" I snap moving to leave not caring about the glance they send my way.

Alex yelled making me become irritated even more I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I don't cure "whatever" I snap moving to leave not caring about the glance they send my way

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3rd person

The armoured car will with HYDRA agents when the K'hund destroys his cage destroying the door making the car come to a stop. He knocks out the HYDRA guards down as they tried stopping him just as the DEO pulls up with the two heroes in the air as The alien leaps away, guardian goes after the HYDRA leaving Supergirl intercepts him. He tries to attack her, making Supergirl laughs as she blocks his blows.

She breaks his hand making him cry out in pain, and slams him into a wall making it crack under pressure, and starts to choke him not caring if she kills him but Supergirl get bored of the 'powerful' alien not fighting back, throws him not giving him a chance to run as she speeds over to him putting her foot to his chest making him cry as the pressure became harder to handle "get out of my sight before I change my mind" the blond hero threats, making the alien shack in fear as she remover her foot giving him the chance to run.

Before he could get any further a golden lasso zoomed across supergirl, and wrapping around the runner away alien making him fall knocking him out "what the hell supergirl why did you let him go!!!" the goddess yelled making her sister stare at her with a bored expression before laughing which sound so unlike her sister she was talking to the day before.

"he was boring he didn't even put up a fight it was a waste of my time" she snapped turning away disregarding the call from her sister before flying away not sharing a glance at her other sister.

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