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Rose pov

Hearing the familiar voice behind me the same one from before all my fear went away when I was in her arms all I wanted now was to be in her arms again.


staring in shock seeing the hero I looked up to; she was my hero and now she right here.... But how is that possible they said she wasn't going to safe me and she is the enemy, and she didn't care.

"Rose it okay I want to take you back to you dad" what no that man who took me had...had killed him right in front of me and said If I tried fighting them he would kill more people.

I felt my self shaking with anger "YOUR LYING!!" feeling every emotion come crashing down sending something I didn't know what happened but seeing Gaurdian on the ground made me panic.

What did I do?
No no I'm so sorry.

I could see the surprise in Guardians eyes before it went "Rose listen to me. it's okay please believe no one is going to hurt you." the woman steps closer made me flinch back still being unsure if she is telling the truth, I felt my heart hurt seeing the hurt flash in her eyes but tried to ignore.

"Rose listen to me please, and no one is going to hurt you any more. for as long as I live." She promised, I could see the honest in her eyes made me believe her when She stepped closer I didn't step back before I knew what I was doing I threw myself in her arms feeling the safest I felt for a long time.

But it didn't last long as I heard the sound of an engine coming dosser making whimper hiding my face in the crook of her neck. I heard her speak to someone making me glance to seeing supergirl; oh my god, supergirl was there and I didn't realise. But I couldn't because not a second later four huge black cars the same cars the mean people took me in.

No please don't let them take me again. Please I looked at supergirl and guardian and seeing them being ready to protect me made me feel hopeless and scared because I knew what those evil people can do and I didn't want them to be hurt.

Feeling nothing but anger travelling threw my body just like my daddy said I'm not some weak little girl.

I dont know what I did; time had stopped I saw the man who had taken me with a huge scar across his face something I'm proud I gave him, the bullet came flying only to be stopped by what looked to be some sort of inviolable wall?

Before the bullets began turning aiming at the bad men I didn't even realize my fist was clenched It was too late before I blacked out.

• • •

Everything was in darkness I could hear the sound of people and then I could hear the sound of talking it was the same voice I've heard before making me want to do some a happy dance hearing guardian's voice but she was yelling, why is she yelling. Then I heard a voice who I didn't think I would ever hear again.


Almost being blind by the light as a huge breath of fresh air was taken before I being coughing.

"Rose!?" feeling a strong set of arms wrapped around me making me burst out crying.

Is this real?


Danielle pov

Hearing the sound of Rose voice put us all in shock but release she was okay.But I couldn't stay and watch seeing steve holding his daughter made me sad remember I couldn't keep my son save or my fiancèè they are both gone.

felling tears in my eyes wanting to fall but I didn't let them before turning to leave. they deserve to have this after they went threw.


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