change part 1

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Danielle pov
I flew back to Cat Co changing back to normal clothes before rushing in noting everyone is in cats office not good I didn't get a chance to sneck in before everyone begins leaving Stephanie walking past me smirking making me clench my fist.

"good look" James whispered, walking past me making me sigh before walking into the devil herself, I may have fought other world monster but Cat is someone I wish to never fight. "Diana how nice of you to finally show up back to work after you left without a trace if I didn't know any better I should just fire you and your sister..."


yelling without realising it see Cat eyebrow rase made my heart race I could feel everyone's gaze on me outside made me more nervous I could hear their thoughts giving me a headache.

"Cat I beg you please don't fire us at least not kara she worked too hard for this.." pleading to Cat walking closer to her hoping if she wanted to fire us at least give kara a chance she doesn't deserve to lose her job.

"oh, and you don't. well I suggest you start packing....your fired."

Everything just froze I didn't think Cat would I shouldn't be surprised of course she is Cat Grant the queen of all media, she knows what she wants and she gets it "no...Ca..." Cat didn't even glance back at me as she continued to write making me stare in shock turning to leave hesitating at the door hoping she would change her mind....she didn't, leaving me to walk missing the glance Cat sent my way.

I didn't look at James not wanting to see the look of pity the attire floor probably knew so much, I want to run back in to fight for my job or leave this is the only place I felt....normal I could do something good without need to be guardian and Cat was the first person who even looked at my art that was not kara or Alex and gave me a chance.

I didn't look back at Stephanie smug face, smirking as her computer lit up in frame causing her to scream cowing from the flames of her once computer. seeing Cats face looking at me with nothing like just firing me meant nothing to her, I want to read her thoughts but I would never purposely read them.

Cat pov

When I fired Danielle something I knew I never thought I would do and yes i do no her really name and no i won't stop calling her that. i knew firing her was the best choice at the time and as much i didn't want to she need some time i could see what ever is happing outside of work was catching up.

she needs to learn to take care of herself before others and she needs to fight for what you want and god I hope if she wants to continue working here she fight for it just like I did and she fights hard just like I've seen her do before many of times when I made her fight for it.

I hope

Danielle pov
After I left Cat Co I went straight to the alien bar just hoping to loose whatever I'm feeling. Hearing the chair scrapping behind me made me glance to see.....

 Hearing the chair scrapping behind me made me glance to see

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