I knew him

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Danielle pov

Sitting in my office when kara came walking in with a pile of paper slamming them on, in a huff "well good morning to you to" I teased as she slumped in the set "why dose Cat always making life more so miscible" letting out a small chuckle quickly hiding It in a cough when she sent me a glare


Fighting back a remark on the tip of my tung when I saw the old man on the tv screen outside my office everyone was watching the screen even Cat "what happened what not your fault" "it sure feels like it."

"Caption James Ryan dyed yesterday in the fire adornment building, unfortunately, Guardian was unable to save him" I didn't listen to the rest now I know why he looks so familiar; we worked together in the war.



"How could you allow them to kill innocent children!" I yelled but went ignored by James like he didn't care "James!!" Having enough But didn't have a chance to stop him as he was quick the face me. "I had no choice Danielle and you know it" Jame quickly left leaving me in shock in the corridor something is going on I going to stop it.


Danielle pov

"Danielle!" breaking from my thoughts seeing kara has moved from the chair to step in front of me "I'm okay" I trying reassuring her "you space out of 5 minutes I've been trying to call you to name."

"I just need a minute kar I'm fine really."

It has been 2 hours since kara had been here, I knew she was worried but now's not the right time.
hearing my phone buzzing the only to see Alex name popping up.

"Hi Alex"
"We need you to come in"


 "be safe""always"

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"be safe"

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