Who to trust

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Danielle pov

everything changed finding out we have a traitor at the DEO putting everyone on edge, we need to put the deo one lockdown no one goes out or in. "hay Rose. You feeling any better?" I asked, the younger girl seeing her colouring bookmaking me chuckle noticing she was colouring a rose "hi Danny look what I've done....for you." She whispered, shyly handing me the picture making me stare at her in shock.

"for me...?" I smiled at the younger girl shaking her head shyly trying to hide her blush making me chuckle "why so shy...?" I smoothed before gentle lifted her chin making her show her bright blue eyes "head up or your crown going to fall" I smiled making the younger girl puff her chest making me laugh, she adorable.

Looking at her appearance made me feel so much better she wasn't skin and bones and wasn't pale like snow and cuts and bruises were gone after a week of healing her eyes were back to the ocean blue who steve said she got from her mother.


pushing the thoughts away hearing the younger girl's voice seeing her concern gaze making me smile slightly but before I could speak shouting came from down the stairs made me jump up but stopped feeling a hand on my arm pulling me back.

"Danny!! Don't go pleased!!!"

pulling the child into my arms after her clings hold of me like a monkey "I'm not going to leave you. no one is going to hurt you." Rose stiffed before she nodded her head "how about you pick another picture so when I come back we can both colour it in." I offered smiling when rose furiously shocker her head before as she went threw numbers on different picture making me smile happy she isent crying.

Now to find out what the hell is going on down there

"What's going on!!!"

yelling as I ran down the stairs seeing Alex had one of the agents slammed into the table and kara holding back another two others "behave and stop messing around!" Alex growled pushing the agent away from her making him groan fluffing the invisible dust off his jacket before storming off.

What just happened?

Looking at both kara and Alex as they came walked over "what happened?" "allot this lockdown isent go to help if everyone kills each over" Alex explained making me frown but deep down we all knew what we need to do.

"This is going to be a very long day."

. . .


"Agent Tommis. Sam Tommis"



"where were you when the alarms went off yesterday?"

"getting suited on your order director"

it has been almost over 10 hours interrogate each and every agent of the DEO and everyone had the same story and we're getting close to the end of the listen were running out of people.

Its wasn't until the mane sèèn Jackson showed up making me bite my lip he was the one who Alex told me about he knew we didn't no much about him.


"Agent Jackson. Sèèn Jackson agent of the DEO the 'Department of Extra-Normal Operations'..."



"where were you when the alarms went off yesterday?" Alex asked, as the lasso when stronger as sèèn began flashing around "the lasso of true compresses you to answer the truth and nothing but the truth" I explained, sharing a glance at Alex before looking back at the man seeing the thin lays of sweat begin to build.

"the more you hold the truth the more the pain will build," I spoke looking at him with a glare as he still tried to struggle "agent answer r the question. Were you yesterday when the alarm went off." Alex demanded, "I don't know. A...all... I remember was......" he didn't finish when Brainy rushed before stoping with the tablet before freezing looking at the groaning man.

"I think we found our very own mole!!"

Brainy showed up the tablets reflecting the man in question on the computer and the one who set all the prisoners aport

I didn't have a chance before Alexx rushed over punching sèèn making him fall to the ground


"Alex don't!!"

both I and kara rushed pulling Alex aport as I pulled Jackson up he had blood falling from his busted lip with a black eye before pushing him over to the guard by the door.

"get him out of here!!!"

"please I didn't do it I'm being framed"


Hope you all like it

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