Belive me

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Thank you all soooooooo much for the 25k reads and I don't want to let anyone of you down by this book so let me know what I can do to improve all feedback is welcome

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Thank you all soooooooo much for the 25k reads and I don't want to let anyone of you down by this book so let me know what I can do to improve all feedback is welcome.

And don't worry the poster is still a work in progress (I'm not good at making posters anyone can give any help would be amazing)


Danielle POV
Seeing the red hear avenger I felt my self freeze and my breath getting catches.' I didn't even note I was stirring before I felt a had
On my hand making me gasp.


Hearing Lena voice whispering making me jump "are you okay?" she whispered but it felt hard to breathe I can't do do this, I can't I need to leave before I could leave I hired another voice that sounded so similar making stare in shock seeing the blond hair god.


I whispered taking a deep breath before I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug making  me choke on laugh not curing about the audience that was watching.


Both Thor and I turned to see there avenger stirring at us with confusion and shock "Thor do you know who this person is?" The man with the shield demanded but before I could comment Thor beat me to it."why yes of course. Avenger! I would like you to meet an old friend of mine Danielle Prince daughter of Zeus and lady Aphrodite and future hear to the kingdom of the Olympus."

Blushing in embarrassment as Thor listed of my Old title  before I heard laughing making us glance to see the man in the sight of red and gold armour making me case an eyebrow "lm sorry what was funny?" I asked, "don't mine Stark he has a hard time believing."

both Lena and I looked confused at each other as Tony commented "so you're telling me. she's a goddess!!? Sure and im one of the lollypop men." He jocked smirking making Scarlet witch and....... shacking my head as they both rolled their eyes "it's true we knew each other since children it's been century's since we've seen each other." Thor explained I could see they were still they were anxious before Steve stepped forward looking more relaxed;

"im sorry for the misunderstanding let start from the beginning are names....." "steve rogers...sorry I know all your names..." I cut off before he could reply making him looked more confused and worried "I know this is all confused but we need your help." Lena steps up her CEO voice I knew she was worried for kara being alone.

"tell us how you were able to get here and then well talk." Hawkeye demanded, making me sigh "it think it best If I show you." Holding my hand out to the Scarlett witch; it would be stronger for the connected seeing as we have similar powers being telepathy.

. . .

3rd person
"she telling the truth."

At the witch's worlds, the avengers stirred at the goddess in shock "She from a different universe  and HYDRA is attacked there home with Loky spear..."

"Wait Loky! This spere was his!?" yelling at the blond god seeing his face come sad "there's a lot to explain but in time." Thor advised making me grow more worried before I glance at the team seeing them look more relaxed in trusting me but Tony was still looking doubtful.

"so let me get this straight you were able to create a portal to come to are earth because HYDRA had created a way to your earth 38 witch had we had never heard of before and you've never heard of us before and now HYDRA working with your bad gues and they've mead up together  to what bad guys do best and take over the world..."

blinking in shock seeing hawkeyes explained the whole year in a minute "erm...yeah I guess better than I could say it." I smiled, Thor  was still smiling brightly but I could hear Lena shivering  beside me; the catsuit should have kept her warm for when needed "Lena you okay?" I asked concerned making her teeth chatter in the cold Im going to need to talk to bray about this when we get back.

Doing as I did with Steven making fire wrap around the brunette I heard gaped of shock seeing the fire. "is there anywhere safe we can warm up?" I asked breathing a sigh of relief seeing she has stopped shivering.

. . .

the avenger led us to the jet thankful somewhere warm I was able to explain more what going on they looked shocked seeing HYDRA was able to create a teleport Machine and now they've teamed up with CADMUS are own bad guy." 

"My sister is there defending as we speak but I don't know how long she can hold on for" I feared as Leah grasped hold of my hand making me smile justly I know she was worried but she believes in Kara just like I do.

Danelle POV


After the war had ended things started to quintet down but now I felt lost I had no home or family and People have no idea who l am.

"your daydreaming again"

Rolling my eyes seeing the only one who knows my real identity " Hello James what do I ow the pressure?" I smiled making the young man chuckle " well if you must know there's a job offer for your truly" James exclaimed pulling out a folder with the word 'classified' making me race an eyebrow in interest, I tried to grape the follow but James pulled it away making me huff.


He smirked, "what the magic word" growing i never wanted wipe that smirk of someone's face "Please can I have that folder" I smiled sweetly, pulling the folder away making James scowl

"hay!!" Smirking reading the folder seeing the words 'phoenix'

"phoenix?" " shhh quiet...." James snapped, making me jump making me look confused " its a team created of 7 people 'soldiers' to b a exacted to be a hidden force in the army and 1 believe you're the perfected person."

"and who is the reason for this idea exist?"

"your commanding officer Peters. Elizabeth Peters."


See you all on Sunday😊

See you all on Sunday😊❤️

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"Be safe"


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