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Danielle pov

Its been 7 days of using magic to help hurling Rose. She had gotten some colors back putting all of us on ease.

I and steve took turns he would go stay in the morning in case she ever woke up and night after I finished with cat co I spending the night healing her. Alex and kara were concerned I wasn't getting enough sleep but I didn't care.


yawning as looking up seeing kara holding two cups of coffee with a tray of doughnuts, doughnuts feeling my stomach rumble and mouth water at the sight of the surgery goodness

"kara have I ever told you you're my hero" I chuckled, moving to try and grasp hold of the box but...


only to receive a tutting laugh as she begins to leave the room making me yell her name she is not getting away with the doughnuts.

Time skip

"you really are a horrible person you no that right" kara fumed, as I enjoyed the box of sugary treats I had managed to 'steal' from her desk when she was detected

"finders keepers" I teased, laughing. As she began sulking fur in my chur." here" passing the box making her light up with a smile.

Rolling my eyes seeing her almost eat the whole box before I could blink."so are we going to talk about how you and Lena have been spending more and more time for the past week?" smirking when kara became bright red "I...I" laughing before I could stop "I messing kar.." "you two would be great together" smiling softly as she becomes even more red like the shade of her cape.

Before she could speke both of are phones begin flashing like crazy making us share a concerned gaze.

"come to L-CORP... it's Rose"


kara and I raced to l-corp looking for Lena who was in the Science lap in the bass "Lena what did you found?" Lena glanced at the two of us hearing us walk in before I could finish she pulled me to a microscope.


racing an eyebrow, glancing a Kara seeing her even more baffled than me

"what the hell?"

looking in the microscope seeing the blood samps were 'teleporting' "h....ho?" whispering, in shock and amazement "who's blood sample is from?" frowning as she handed hands me a tablet only to see;



Hope you like it

Sorry it's bad but it 4 in the morning I wanted to get something out

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