change part 5

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Danielle pov

"Kara, please. I know you're in there don't do this!" Lena exclaimed


kara laughter everything went slow motion my body was frozen until I heard johns voice behind me making me jump into action "go. ill go after her!" john yelled, rushed after Kara making me super speed trying to catch her.

I count her juts before she hit the ground making her cry harder as she tightens her hold on me crying in cruck of my neck afraid I would let go. Landing back into her office making her collapsed on the ground making me follow her, and her cries become longer.

I heard movement behind me seeing john he had an unreadable expression on his face but I knew that look I've been with for years he was angry, upset so many more he had promised their father he would keep the two sisters safe we both feel the same I just hope we can save kara before she does any more damage.

* * * * *

we landed back at the DEO believing it was safer for Lena if she stays here with agents.

"How is she?" john asked after I leave Lena alone with two agents by her door "she's confused. angry, and she didn't even back down when I told her two agents by her door." I finished, signing softly looking at john with concern "how..hows Alex?" john looked uncertain making me stop walking.

"shes fine...."

"but..." I prompted but my voice came out as a whisper "Alex had suffered from head force possible from being hit into the wall...she had broken bones, broken ribs, arm and leg were both damaged and....we almost lost her twice...." I didn't realise I was crying until john pulled me into a hug I didn't think I had any tears left for how much I've been crying for.

Footsteps came from behind us making me glance to see a hesitant brainy "Brainy. What wrong?" "you may want to see this."

"Citizens of National City, this is Cat Grant, live from Catco Plaza. As you all know, I have been Supergirl's and Guardians most outspoken champion.

So, you can imagine how difficult it is for me to tell you that I and Catco can no longer stand behind Supergirl. I made you trust her. I gave you my word that she was safe, a friend. I was wrong. Supergirl has changed.

She is unstable and extremely dangerous. She threw me off of a building last night and threatened my life and...

Who knows what else she is capable of? It's not easy being let down by our idols. Having someone who embodies our heroic ideals helps us believe

that we can be heroes, too. Sometimes heroes fall. So, please, for your own safety,
stay away from Supergirl."

No no-no-no

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No no-no-no. not cat she's...

cat pov

"Who knows what else she is capable of? It's not easy being let down by our idols. Having someone who embodies our heroic ideals helps us believe that we can be heroes, too. Sometimes heroes fall. So, please, for your own safety,
stay away from Supergirl."

After the camera turned off I waited I knew she would show. did I want to turn my back on supergirl, no but I also need people to be warned she isent who the hero everyone thinks she is?

"just on time" looking at the brunette seeing the superhero with red and gold armour and she had a gold lasso holstered on her left hip. I finished pouring 'Argyros Vinsanto' a very expensive greek wine that I was given the last time I was there and I was saving it for a rainy day and today it storming.

 I finished pouring 'Argyros Vinsanto' a very expensive greek wine that I was given the last time I was there and I was saving it for a rainy day and today it storming

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"Have you given up on supergirl?" mmm straight to the point, letting out a sigh before filling up the glass to the top. "I haven't given up on supergirl but she threw me off my very own building if it wasn't for you them she would of killed. who knows what else she would or can do" I finished, drinking the whole glass in one not minding the burning.

Watching in a amusement as the superhero slumped into the couch "Argyros Vinsanto I didn't realise you been to Greece" laughing as I refiled her drink "I didn't know you could speke greek" I smiled for the first time In days I only know one other person who had spoken Greek "it's a long story" she mumbled but I still hired.

"you okay? this must be hard on you" I asked, watching her stare at the wine in thought "I should be asking you the same thing Cat" before I could answer a knocking sound threw the door making me a glare.


"erm, Mr. grant. The news..." one of the new 'rockey' stuttered making my eyes roll.

"oh my good"

"were just in. a shocking discovery at the white house, the girl of steel the once hero of national city has held president Marsdin..."

I didn't finish because the first superhero had left leaving a trail of paper to blow, and I could feel my heart beating wanting to escape as I want to hide my emotions.


Hope you all like it

Hope you all like it

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