The fortress of the gods

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Danielle pov

Making my way threw the forest for what felt like forever it only been an hour when I came to a clearing were huge stones stood in a circle were a pedestal stood in the middle.

I felt something. something on my chest making me look down at my neckless seeing it glow made me yell in surprise as I felt it trying to pull me making me almost stumble in the making.

3rd person 

After gaining the stretch to move guardian walked over the pedestal as she went closer more stronger the pull of the neckless become, making her remove it just on time for it to fly into the stone making it erupted into white light and creating an earthquake around the stones nocking Danielle to the ground making her blackout.

Lena pov (seconds before the earth crack)

I was talking to Alex and kara when the earth began shaking valiantly and the alarms began going off making agents running around like maniacs "Brainy what the hell is going on?" Alex begins shouting, trying to hold her balance when the wall of the DEO began to crack before I could breathe I was frozen I get telling my self to move.


Feeling the air get knocked out of me when I felt strong arms wrapping and the feeling of the wind in my hear when everything stopped making me stir into sky blue eyes I like so much "erm..h.hi." kara strutted making me smile "hi"

Kara seemed to snap out of her daze as quickly as she saved me she let go rubbing her kneck trying to stop the oversize blush that's growing " o.."

"Brainy, where did that earth quick come from!?" Alex, yelled stoping the blond hero from continuing making me sent a small glare her way as we made our way over to the two "well. You see I'm scanning the souse and so far...."

''location not available'

'location not available'

Danielle pov

groaning as I trying to shake the ringing in my eyes and the black dots in my eyes, pushing myself up gaining my strength as I noticed the stones around me are crumpled and I noticed the podium stayed standing with my neckless in the pedestal glowing just not as strong.

Looked behind it I notice a tunnel pitch black I wasn't able to see the bottom making me create a flame in my hand as I made my way down.

"oh my god"

I came to the bottom looking around in amazement as I looked around like an underground fortress made of gold and silver just like my home I could almost hear the pegasus flying around chasing the younger children who always cause trouble

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I came to the bottom looking around in amazement as I looked around like an underground fortress made of gold and silver just like my home I could almost hear the pegasus flying around chasing the younger children who always cause trouble.

Fighting back the tears when I heard a female robotic voice made me jump trying to find it.


before I could fight back I was surrounded by glass walls shaped like a pyramid around me I felt suddenly weak I tried punching my way out but no use.

"State your name and business"

"Da...Danielle Prince!" gasping for breath as the wall stopped moving as it slowly moved to the ground.

"Princes Danielle, daughter of Zeus and Aphrodite. Banished princess and future hire of the throne." The voice continued making me look up in shock no one has called me princess in years.

"Who are you?!" yelling hearing as my voice echo just as the voice spoke again "behind you" turning quickly I was afraid my head would fall off.

My eyes widen when the voice belongs to female hologram possibly over 10 foot, she wore an original greek clothes "who are you? and where am I?" I demanded, watching as she began clinching.

"name? I don't understand the meaning of the word" "erm what should I call you?" I tried but it looked like I made her more confused as before "I'm artificial intelligence created by queen Aphrodite.." "wait so knew my mother. You knew my mother!?" I yelled as I began passing leaving the hologram to watch me in confusion.

"light...hope..light hope!" the hologram began speaking louder making me freeze "what did you say?" "light hope. Your mother named me after she built this fortress for you when she came to Earth" she replied in a monotone voice like she was reading off a scripted.

"light hope?" I teased letting out a chuckle as 'she' tilted her head the side like a confused puppy.

"What is this place? why am I here?" I began mumbling till she cut me off as she began walking/floating making me fallow her trying to keep up. "the majesty created this place when this universe was created she believed when you came to earth you have something that reminds you of home. She called it the 'fortress of the gods'...." Fortress of gods what a name. as we walked I notice we came into a temple were statues of gods and goddess lined up on either side and the end was;



Hope you like it

"be safe""always"

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"be safe"

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