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A/N: Hey guys! Going to attempt to make the cliche love story between bad boy and good girl into something more original! Wish me luck! >:)

[Y/N] was currently walking down the school hallways with her best friend, Miku. Her best friend had gorgeous, sleek, black hair that shimmied down her back and had long eyelashes that curled perfectly. She was beautiful....while [Y/N] herself was just...bland and normal. But she was used to it. She was fine being overshadowed by her friend.

Plus, she already had enough to stress about than to care about her looks. With her parents' high expectation, she'd been struggling long and hard just to get those A's. Unfortunately, she wasn't one of those kids that could get perfects on anything without trying.

The two of them entered their home room to see that it was filled of spooky decoration. Halloween was coming up soon and everyone seemed to be extra excited this year about it. Maybe it was because it was their last year of high school? She wasn't sure.

"Ooh, you want to hang out at my house this Halloween?" Miku suggested happily, turning towards her. "We should watch some horror movies together and eat loads of candy."

[Y/N] nodded. "As long as I don't get too much homework. It's too bad Halloween is always on the weekdays."

Miku frowned. "Even if you do have homework, can't you just come? It's just for one day. Let yourself enjoy for once."

She looked at her friend, feeling a little irritated. She didn't seem to understand what it was like to have such strict parents. "You know how my parents are," she pointed out.

Miku stayed silent after that and it wasn't long after that the bell rang. She glanced at her friend to see if she was mad or not. Her expression was too concealed to know.

She glanced up at the teacher and went back to her study-like concentration. She could not lose her focus just because there was a chance her friend was mad at her. Education always came first, so whatever this tension was will have to be dealt with later.

As the hour gone by, the students were all taking notes the entire time. It was very boring and [Y/N] was feeling exhausted already, but she managed through it until the bell rang.

The students shuffled out of the classroom to get to their next class and [Y/N] and Miku followed suit. Her best friend was usually always so talkative, so she knew that she was indeed mad.

So by being the bigger person, she took a deep breath and said to her friend, "Fine, I'll make sure to come to your house on Halloween. I'll even bring my homework if I have to."

Miku wasn't someone who could stay mad for a long time. She grinned at her words and gave her a side hug. "Thank you! Also, I'm sorry for complaining so much about not getting to spend much time with you. It's just that it's our last year of high school. I want to make the most out of it, you know?"

[Y/N] didn't care much about making high school memories, but she did care for her best friend, so she nodded. Feeling the need to pee, she excused herself from Miku. "I need to go to the restroom quick, okay?" she asked.

Her friend nodded and with that, she left the flow of the students in the hallway and made her way to the nearest restroom. Entering in, she suddenly heard a loud smacking noise.

She stopped midway to see a boy and girl with the faces glued together. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets and she almost stumbled backwards at the sight of it. Damn, her eyes were scarred. This was something she didn't need to see.

The couple didn't even seem to notice her there. They just continued kissing and were probably so engrossed in each other to look around their surroundings.

Feeling more awkward than ever, [Y/N] could not just stand there any longer. Thinking of just going to another restroom, she realized she couldn't afford to be late for class. She also couldn't wait either or else she would definitely wet her school skirt. So her shoulders stiffed, she decided to just quickly get into a stall, relieve herself, and run out of here. She began by avoiding the couple entirely. Then as she was about to enter the stall, more loud smacking could be heard....and then a few moans had come out of their mouths.

She froze and her face grew red...both in embarrassment and anger. She whipped her head around and stomped up to the couple to catch their attention. They finally noticed her and pulled themselves apart. She could now distinguish who they were.

The girl's name was Aoi and she had been [Y/N]'s class before. Then there was the boy. He was one of the hottest boys in the school and have broken too many hearts to count.

"If you guys can't tell, I'm trying to pee in here. So if you guys could be kind enough to leave, that'd be great," she told them directly.

Aoi's face was blushing crimson and she did a quick bow at her in apology. She gave the boy a peck on the cheek and left.

The boy didn't move a budge. He touched his messy dark hair that came from the sexual intimacy and gave [Y/N] the smirk the boy has been known for.

His head lowered close to her and his low voice breathed out, "Do you know who I am?" he asked her, his blue eyes glinting at her mischievously.

She pushed his hard chest away from her. "Personal space please," [Y/N] said calmly. The boy only chuckled in amusement. "But yes. Your name is Kuro."

"Exactly," he agreed smugly.

"Just because you're Kuro, doesn't give you the right to be in the women's restroom."

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