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She had asked her mother to drive her to Kuro's house, since she felt bad that she couldn't answer his calls all day. She was stuck inside and wasn't allowed to use her phone due to her studies. When she asked, her mother easily agreed, only because she wanted to see what their mansion looked like. So here she was, in the backseat of her mother's car with a bag of snacks that she thought she could share with Kuro. They were already sitting atop of the long driveway of his house and she was unbuckling herself.

      Disliking the fact that her mother was staring greedily at the large house, she tried her best to ignore it. This was not the time to drown in her troubles. She was supposed to relax tonight and spend some time with her boyfriend. Climbing out of the car, she was now in the cold darkness. Walking up the front steps of the house, she rang the door bell and finally heard the roar of her mother's engine pulling away behind her.

     Waiting for a minute or so, she was about to press the button for a second time, but then the door opened. She was surprised to see that it was the maid she saw that one time when she came here for their pretend-dating mission. "Hello," the maid said with a small smile. "I remember you. You're Kuro's friend, aren't you?"

     She smiled back at the friendly lady. "Yes I am. May I come in and visit him for a little?"

    "Of course." The short woman backed away from the door and let her in. After a bit of shuffling and moving, the maid closed the door behind her and she went on to her own business, leaving [Y/N] alone in the entrance room.

     Confused about where her boyfriend was, she walked to where the stairs were. Stepping up onto the extravagant steps, she went all the way with her bag swaying and crinkling at her side. Reaching the second floor, she headed down the long hallway and found the bedroom that she knew was his. Noticing that the gap underneath the door had light on the other side, her face brightened. He was home and they were going to have a lovely time together.

    Pushing the door open, she took a step inside. What she saw next had made her drop her bag of snacks onto the floor. Her eyes horrified, she processed everything in. Sitting on the bed was her boyfriend, making out with some girl. They were still clothed, so thank god she wasn't scarred...but that didn't make her feel any less heartbroken. Letting out a gasp and the tears she couldn't control spilling out, it had finally caught the attention of the two people locking lips.

     The moment Kuro laid his intoxicated eyes on her, his face reflected the same terrified expression she had on her. As fast as humanly possible, he jumped up from the bed and stumbled towards her. "[Y/N]...!"

     The girl that still sat on the bed, curiously analyzed the situation. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend...shit," she said slowly. Giving [Y/N] an apologetic glance, she stood up and walked over to them to give Kuro a glare. "You should've told me, you dickhead."

    Kuro did not reply to the random girl and his helpless eyes were stuck on his crying girlfriend in front of him.

    "I guess I should leave," she whispered awkwardly. "I didn't mean to be a homewreaker." Slipping past them, she left the room and now it was just the two of them.

     "I'm leaving too," she stated, her eyes as cold as the Arctic sea through her tears. A protest was forming in between his lips - those swollen lips - but she blocked out any of it. There could be no such excuse for what he had just done. Stalking out of his room in long strides, so that drunk Kuro could not catch up to her, her mind kept on replaying the image of him locking lips with someone that was not her, over and over again. She was tired of this. She had given him another chance to prove himself, but what did he do? He cheated on her and hurt her for the millionth time.

     She was an idiotic to think that he would change his ways for her. He was still the same player that he used to be. And she, was just like the rest of his other girls. So damn naive. She had made fun of Aoi for falling for a guy like him, but she was the bigger fool, as well as the biggest hypocrite.

    Hurrying down the long staircase, she realized that she left her bag of snacks back at the room. She brushed it off, as it didn't matter anymore. That bastard could have it all, to serve him a reminder of how much of a terrible person he was. She could already cringe at herself thinking about how excited she was only several minutes ago. She had a smile on her face and holding tightly onto her snacks, she had hoped he would like it. She had been so oblivious to what was on the other side of the door.

     She gritted her teeth. This wasn't who she was. She wasn't a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, but Kuro had somehow transformed her into one. She realized that the sooner she went back to that stone cold girl that always studied, the quicker she'd heal from this traumatizing experience. The quicker she'd heal from Shou dropping her too. She should've known better than to open up...this was the consequences for her irresponsible actions.

     She was on the first floor now. Heading straight to the door, she froze when she heard his voice behind her. "P-please, wait!" he called out. Turning around slowly, she wiped at her tears angrily. She didn't think drunk Kuro would be able to move this fast.

     "It's over. I don't want to talk to you ever again," she snarled at him.

     "This...can't be the end," he said softly, as his own tears made his way down his beautiful face.

     "You ended it yourself, so why are you surprised?!" she screamed at him. Going over to him, she swung her arm back and with her fingers firm and hard, she brought it forward. The slap hit him directly on his cheek and it knocked his unsteady posture over. Tumbling onto the ground, he flinched and touched where she slapped him. Pleased that her hand struck him hard, for once, she was glad that her parents punished her sometimes. The cold, terrifying hand of her mother's had somehow taught her how to slap someone else.

     Without waiting for a reply, she walked right out the door and down the long driveway. Not caring if it was nighttime and that she could potentially be kidnapped, she broke down for the second time, as she walked the lonely trip home.

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