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Feeling a little depressed, [Y/N] entered into her science classroom. A week had passed by since her nonexistent date with Kuro. Mindlessly sitting down at her desk, she was deep in her thoughts. She couldn't seem to stop thinking about him. All week she'd been avoiding him, but the several times she saw him in class, she had noticed how tired he looked. His eye bags prominent, she wondered if he was feeling guilty at all. Well shit. If he was going to feel this way, he shouldn't have ghosted her in the first place.

     To make matters worst, Shou hadn't been appearing to school at all for the past week. She even tried calling him, but he never once answered. It made her worry.

     Suddenly now realizing that he would be in this class with her, she turned to her right. She widened her eyes when she saw him sitting there and grinned. He finally came back to school! But...it didn't take long for her grin to fade though, because she noticed something about one of his arms. It was in a cast. He also looked different. His usual bright demeanor was now replaced with unkempt hair and red rimmed eyes.

     "Sh-Shou?" she stammered. "What happened to you? Are you okay? Why are you hurt?"

     His brown eyes darted her way. They stared at her as if there was no such recognition. "[Y/N]," he said. She waited for him to say anything else, but no other words came. Instead, he turned away from her again, leaving her shocked.

     "I know there's something wrong. You can talk to me, you know that, right?" she tried again, desperate in finding that bright boy she once knew.

     This time, he didn't even glance at her. He said it all with a straight face and continued to stare straight ahead. "There's nothing wrong."

     "Please," she begged him. "You've been gone all week and now that you're back, you have a broken arm and you're acting like a total stranger to me."

     He glared at her and she flinched. He had never glared at her before....and she never thought he would do it. He always had a smile on his face, which almost made her believe he was incapable of such a thing. "Leave me alone. We're not friends," he spat out.

     She dropped her jaw at this. Trembling, she watched in horror as he stood up and walked away to sit down at another desk, far away from her. Her heart shattering into million pieces, she forced herself not to cry. What was happening? First it was Kuro, and now Shou? Why were the two special boys in her life leaving her? Did she...perhaps, do something wrong?

     What about that promise she made with Shou? Weren't they supposed to be friends forever? She had been so happy when she heard his call...did he not feel the same way?

     He was the one person who'd help distract her from her problems, even if it was just for a moment. She had only met him quite recently, but he had already became a part of her life. He had made things a little more fun when her life ever only consisted of schoolwork. She thought she could trust him, but it hadn't even been two months and he was leaving her. Just like with Kuro, she didn't get the reasons to why he didn't want to be her friend anymore.

     The bell rang and she tried to listen in to today's lecture, but the lump in her throat wouldn't disappear. Gritting in frustration and sadness, she zoned out the entire time. When the second bell rang that signaled the end of class, she blinked, confused.

     Grabbing her backpack and packing things up, she hurriedly looked around for Shou. In the back of the room, he was busy talking to one of his friend animatedly. She faltered. Why was it just her he was acting distant to?

     She shook her head to herself. She was not going to repeat the same mistake she did with Aoi. She couldn't let him get away when there had been so little closure between them. She needed to get answers from him...and if she did anything to hurt him earlier, she'd apologize.

     Walking through the aisles and leaving the room to find him there in the hallway, she quickly went up to him. "Shou!"

     He and his friend stopped walking. His friend stared at her in confusion, but she ignored the look. She stood in front of them and opened her mouth to speak, but he had beat her to it. "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" he said, his eyes cold.

     She almost flinched again; she would never be able to get used to this new personality of his. "Why...do you not want to be my friend?"

    He didn't say anything for a few seconds. When he did, he sneered. "Do you truly think I'd want to be your friend? You're boring and all you do is homework. You couldn't even go swimming with me that one day. Why would I need you when all of my other friends are more fun than you?"

     Recoiling and nearly hitting a locker, she tried to stable herself. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. By the looks of it, his friend couldn't believe it either. Maybe he really did hate her...so much that he would leave his friendly persona behind when he speaks to her. Her eyes watering, she tried to glare at him too. If this was what he thought of her, she wasn't going to break down in front of him and give him the satisfaction. "You know what? Fine. I fucking hate you too," she snarled. "Have fun belittling people in your selfish life. Maybe a tip for next time? Don't lead people on if you don't like them."

     Whipping around, she walked as fast as she could until she made it to the front entrance. Once outside, she got onto the sidewalks and with her [h/c] hair covering her face, she let the tears flow.

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