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Sirens blared outside in the streets and as the seconds go by, the louder it got. Both [Y/N] and Kuro froze and hurriedly looked at one another with panicked eyes. They were thinking the same thing: Miku must've called the cops on them. Simultaneously, they took a step towards the door of Miku's bedroom. Kuro grabbed onto her wrist tightly and feeling the tremble of his fingers, she knew he was just as afraid as her.

"Make a run for it?" he whispered to her, as they walked through the hallway of her friend's house. A lump of anxiety was stuck in her throat and she had no words right now, so a nod was all he got from her.

Her head spinning wildly as the narrow space in front of her suddenly turned into a horror movie, she used all her strength to keep her legs from buckling. They made it out to the front door and the sunlight hit their faces, blinding them for a few seconds. The sirens were even louder and neither of them had arrived here by car. Her first thought was to run on the streets away from the sound of it, but Kuro had other plans.

Pulling on her arm, he led them around the house and made way to the backyard. Behind the house were the woods...very familiar looking woods. He was going straight to it and she stopped in her tracks. "We're going back...to the lake?" she asked timidly, her mind racing at the thought of what was still laying there.

To this, her boyfriend had immediately understood. His lips twitching and his eyes darting to the streets where police cars could come any second, he quickly squeezed her hand. "You saw the body, didn't you." It wasn't a question, but a statement. He did not wait for her reaction as he continued pulling her into the woods. "This is the only place I know we can hide for a little while. Can you please put up with it for a little while?"

She gulped and silently nodded. His eyes softened at her while they hurried through the ground, avoiding logs and obstacles along the way.

Despite her response, it was hard not to think about it though. The image of death was stuck on her mind and it was worse now to know that this body she was coming nearer to...was something of Kuro's doing. At this point, she wondered if everything that had happened to her today was some bad, delusional dream. Something this traumatizing and mind blowing shouldn't have existed in a boring life of hers, but the pain she felt from Miku's punch was enough for her to believe that was was really real.

Her eyes scanned the area surrounding her again. Oh yes. It was still spring and very pretty looking. It was all she could admire a few hours ago, but so many things have already changed since then.

The walk was silent and they could no longer hear the wail of the sirens. The feet crushing the dead leaves beneath them, they wouldn't stop walking. Also, it was as if Kuro knew where his private lake was from here, which was strange. Had he'd walked this path before....from Miku's house?

[Y/N] had so many questions that she wished to voice out on, but Kuro didn't seem to be in the mood. She wanted to know if he had any plan of where they could run off to...because wouldn't he be deemed as a criminal right now? She didn't know what was going to happen to them in the future, and that was the most terrifying thing of all.

Minutes passed and she could begin to see the lake that she'd seen all too many times. The boy in front of her suddenly halted, causing her to ram right into him. "[Y/N]," he said somberly. "We need to run the other way...right now."

She looked at him in confusion, her eyebrows knitting together. "W-what are you talking about - "

He harshly pushed her back and she stumbled, falling onto the ground. A twig cracked beneath her as she laid there, sprawled on the ground. A thunder of footsteps ran behind her and she was lifted up by strong arms. Kuro held onto her tightly and started running away from the lake and behind her, she could see were shadows emerging from the trees. Footsteps rang across the quiet woodland and she let out a gasp. They had been waiting for them.

The dark haired boy continued to run and the cops chased after them. The wind slapped her face as she twisted and turned her head in fear. She widened her eyes at the sight of the metallic silver that the men and women were clenching. "K-Kuro they're armed...they're going to shoot you!" she whimpered, tugging on his arm. "Stop running. I don't want you to die!"

He stared at her as if she had just sprouted three heads. His blue eyes grew angry and he snarled through his panting, "Are you fucking serious?! They're going to take me away from you. That's worst than death to me. We're making out of this, no matter what."

No, no, no. She had witnessed way too many deaths lately. This couldn't possibly be happening again. Wrestling against his hold, he yelped as she made him unsteady. Tipping over, he tripped over a tree trunk and the two of them went flying to the ground.

Laying there for a few seconds, she heard boots rumbling the Earth and knew that they had already caught up. She painfully pushed herself up to see Kuro being handcuffed, his face twisted in both anger and misery, aimed at her. "You're under arrest for the homicide of Daiki. We have found evidence in your bathroom," a policemen declared. "And we shall look into your father's death and this young lady's parents as well." They pointedly looked over at [Y/N], who flinched.

Before she realized it, tears were rolling down her cheeks as she watched them pull him up. "S-stop! You've got it all wrong!!" she shouted out, scrambling to her feet. She ran towards Kuro, but was blocked by other cops. She swiped her nails in thin air and tried to push through them, but she couldn't get to him. "Leave him alone!"

"It's over, [Y/N]." It's no use," Kuro croaked out, tears also spilling out from the corners of his eyes.

She shouldn't have stopped him from running. She had messed up their future together. It was all her fault for being scared. She should've known this wouldn't be any better, so why didn't she take the fucking risk? "No! He's innocent, dammit! He's innocent..."

A woman police officer looked at her in pity and firmly held her arms down. "You're in unstable condition ma'am. This man has caused you trauma and you will need to seek help."

Trauma?! Help?! She couldn't believe her ears. Tugging her arms away from this crazy lady, she tried to go to him once more...but it made no difference.

Guiding the boy with the dark, tousled hair and those shining blue eyes of his away from her, he was led out of the woods and into a police car. That love of his that wrapped around her like a blanket was gone.

She screamed and cried and sobbed for him, but he would not come back.

A/N: One last chapter to import! — The epilogue. Thanks for reading lovelies.

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