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     Halloween. The day where people could be whatever the hell they want without being judged. It was also the day that [Y/N] would spend her time locked up in her room studying in order to satisfy her parents. But not this year. This year she was going to party...? All for the sake of her friend. She wasn't even sure if she should go though. She didn't even have a costume to begin with.

     Standing in front of a normal, white house, she nervously pushed the door bell gently and waited for someone to open the door. Glancing around the area, she realized how differently it looked from the last time she had been here. The lawn used to be full of weeds, but it seemed that they have cleaned it up. Then there were also decoration, including some garden gnomes and some spooky pumpkins laying on the front porch.  Even the cement beneath her feet was painted in a more yellowish tone from the pure white it used to be.

     It made sense that things were different...because she hadn't been here in at least four months.

     The creak of the door snapped her back to attention and she looked in front of her. There stood a girl in pigtails, wearing a school girl outfit that was dotted of blood. The girl was even holding a knife covered in blood while grinning at her creepily.

     Catching [Y/N] by surprised, her heartbeat increased in fear and she took a step back, but then realized that it was Miku. Her friend giggled at her reaction. "I saw that little step you took there. Don't worry, the knife and blood are not real."

     She scowled. "I wasn't scared," she denied. "What are you anyway?"

     "I'm a yandere girl!" Miku exclaimed in excitement. Her friend beckoned her to come in, so she did. Warmth surrounded her as she stepped into the brightly lit hallway. The door closed behind them and Miku locked it up. Then her friend hurried through the long hallway and climbed up the stairs. [Y/N] reluctantly followed behind her.

     They entered into Miku's room and she glanced around the place. Luckily her room wasn't that changed from the last time she had been here. Her white sheets with cute sunflowers on them were still there on her bed, messy papers covered her desk, and the pile of instruments laid in the corner of her room. Yes, Mike was quite talented musically, and [Y/N] had always been jealous of that. She wished she could learn violin, but she wouldn't have enough to time to practice if she tried to learn it.

     She turned back to her friend. "What's a yandere?"

     The pretty girl shook her head at her and gave her a sad look. "Sometimes I forget how uncultured you truly are," she sighed dramatically.

     She rolled her eyes at that comment. "Are you going to tell what it is or not?" she demanded.

     "Well....it's when someone grows to love someone too much that they turn infatuated and obsessive. Sometimes it could even reach to the breaking point that the person would be willing to kill others for their true love. And it's because they can't handle seeing their love one with anyone else," she explained. "Oh yeah, they can also be quite manipulative too."

     [Y/N] raised her eyebrows at that. This was the first time she had heard anything about that. "That sounds unhealthy," she pointed out.

     "Yeah, it sure is," her friend agreed. She then paused with a dreamy smile. "But it is also hella romantic, don't you think? I would feel pretty cool if someone was that obsessive over me. A huge ego boost on my part."

     She frowned at the sound of that. It sounded anything but romantic.

     Miku noticed the worry look on her face and laughed. "Don't look so stressed my dear. Yandere is fictional and this type of thing would never happen to the two of us. If you ever want to learn more about them though, you should check out some stories and games about them! They're so good!"

     She silently groaned. Her friend may be gorgeous, but she sure was weird. "I think I'm good."

     Miku shrugged. "Suit yourself," she said. Her eyes fell to [Y/N]'s outfit that consisted of a sweatshirt and leggings. Suddenly remembering what they here for, she grabbed [Y/N]'s wrist and yanked her to the bathroom. "Lets get you a costume!"

     "No...no....it's fine Miku. Wearing this to the party is good enough for—" She stopped mid-sentence and gulped when her friend gave her the scariest glare she'd ever seen.

      Satisfied that [Y/N] had shut her mouth, Miku proceeded to lead her into her bathroom. "I have the perfect costume for you to wear!"

     "Okay...." she replied warily.

     Her friend left her there in small bathroom and shuffled to the other side of her room. Raiding her closet, it took a few minutes until she found what she was searching for. She ran back to [Y/N] and showed her the costume. A long, stretchy material, it was a one piece suit. She could tell that if she put it on herself, it would stick pretty tight and snug against her skin.

     Not wanting to be yelled by her friend anymore, she gingerly took the brown thing. It was spotted with white dots and had ears poking out at the head. She was going to be a fucking deer.

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