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[Y/N] set her pencil down and examined the compare and contrast chart in front of her. In it were the similarities and differences between her book and Kuro's and it looked as if they were able to come up with a lot of ideas. She slowly looked up at Kuro and instantly lowered her eyes to the parchment in front of her again. She couldn't help but think back to her awkward proposal of him being her fake boyfriend whenever their eyes met. Meanwhile, the guy seemed unfazed by everything, which was really pissing her off.

     "So do you think we're done brainstorming?" she asked Kuro. "Should we move on to our PowerPoint now?"

      "Yeah, lets do it," he agreed. They both reached into their backpacks to pull out their laptops. After a few minutes of silence, they reached to their apps. As she hurried to create a new PowerPoint and share it to Kuro, the playboy suddenly asked her a question. "Are you good with Miku now?"

      She was slightly surprised that he noticed that. Hesitantly, she answered, "Yeah....but what does that have to do with you?" She sounded rude for saying it, but she didn't want this guy to be anywhere near her friendship with Miku. After all, he should be partly blamed for flirting with her friend and hurting their relationship....or was he? Maybe it was actually only because of [Y/N]'s insecurities.

       He raised his arms up slightly in surrender. "Just wondering, babe. Can't I be happy for you two?"

      She bristled at what he called her. "You can't be happy for anyone but yourself," she sneered.

      He rolled his eyes and sighed, as if he was a tired boyfriend dealing with a incompetent girlfriend. "Can we save this arguing for later? You're the one who wants to finish this project as soon as possible," he pointed out.

      She was still annoyed, but she knew that if she continued to argue, Kuro would seem like the bigger person. And he was most definitely not the bigger person. "Fine, whatever," she said. Then she thought about the fake boyfriend mission and her heart thumped. Today would be a good day to discuss it with Kuro, considering how both of her parents wouldn't be home until later. She might as well get it over now. Taking a deep breath, she summoned her courage. In a quiet voice, she asked him. "Do you mind if we talk after school...about some terms?"

      She finally looked at him straight in the eyes to see them flashing in thought, and she knew he understood what she meant. "Sure," he easily responded, the corners of his mouth lifting. "I'll drive us to wherever you want us to go."

      Staring at his smug face, it gave her a double take. On a second note, would it be a good idea to invite a guy she didn't know that well over to her house when they would be alone? She decided they would just go to a coffee shop or something. But what if someone from school saw them together? Rumors would definitely spread around and people would probably think she was Kuro's next play toy. She shivered at that thought and frowned. What other options were there?

     "Sounds good," she said to him. That was the last thing they spoke of their topic before they turned back to their project.

     When the bell rang, she got up and headed into the hallway to walk with Miku. "How's your project going so far?" her friend greeted her with a smile.

     "Not too bad, and we're almost done. We'll just need to add a few more slides and some pictures," she answered. "How's yours?"

     "Not so bad either," Miku said. For a few seconds she bit her lips and the lightheartedness left her eyes. "Hey...about your parents...."

     "Now's not the time," [Y/N] interrupted her. Her friend faltered and nodded in defeat. This was the reason why she couldn't bare to tell Miku about these things. Even though they were back to being friends, nothing seemed the same. Every time they saw each other, Miku would look at her as if she was fragile...and broken. She would only want to talk about [Y/N]'s parents. "Look, I know you mean well, but Miku...can we just go back to the way things were? Can we just go back to joking and laughing and complaining about school? You being here by my side is enough to help me through these hard times."

      Miku wiped at her slightly watering eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not being much of a help by pestering you about your troubles. I'll try my best not to do that anymore.... It's just—I don't know how to deal with this guilt."

     "None of this is your fault," she reassured her friend, gently giving her a side hug. "Now, stop worrying about me and worry about your test. Go and ace it!"

     Miku laughed a little at that and nodded. "Alright, I'll make you proud mom."

     "You better," [Y/N] demanded, as she watched the girl step into the classroom. When her friend's sight was fully gone, she sighed and began to walk to her next class as well. Her feet heavy and dragging through the floor, she warily made through the crowds. She was glad that Miku cared for her to act this way, but she hoped she would soon get over this phase and go back to her normal, bubbly self. School was the place where she  could escape from her home troubles before and if it no longer was now, she was doomed.

      She sat down at her desk. Her mind so deep into her thoughts, she didn't realize someone was talking to her. A hand snapped its fingers in front of her face and she flinched. She turned to her right to see a boy named Shou and glared at him. "Ahhh so you're alive. Hey! Can I borrow a pencil?"

     "If you hadn't snapped in my face, I probably would've given you one...but you did, so..." she said.

     "Well you were daydreaming. What could I do?!" he pouted adorably, like a puppy. She blinked at him unsurely and eyed his looks. His brown hair fluffy and his amber eyes warm, he looked like he brought sunshine anywhere he went. They had never spoken words to each other until now, even though they sat next to each other for months already. He was quite loud with his friends, and that was all she knew of him.

     Grudgingly, she grabbed a sharpened pencil from her backpack's pouch and handed it to him. His eyes brightened instantly and he reached over to shake her hands really hard.

     She couldn't decide whether she hated or liked this boy.

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