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She wasn't able to make it out of the property, because before she could leave the clearing, a heavy body jumped her. Tumbling onto the ground, [Y/N] saw that Miku was laying on top of her. The girl wouldn't let go of her and even though she was crying, her eyes were fierce and determined. Her patience wearing out, she tried to push Miku off yet again, but this time the girl would not budge. "Get off of me," she growled, glaring at her friend.

Miku stubbornly shook her head, her long black hair waving in the air. It hit her in the face several times, making her more agitated with this so-called friend of hers. "I'm not letting you go back to Kuro."

[Y/N] scoffed and looked at the girl as if she was insane. "And what are you going to do about it? You can't stop me that easily," she said. Her surprise slowly turned into taunting. "What? You're going to kidnap me? Good luck with that."

She was kidding with that statement, but the girl was silent for a few seconds in deep thought. Seemingly torn between something, her dark eyes then grew sad. When she looked up again, her face was serious when she agreed. "Yes. I'm kidnapping you. I'm sorry to have to do this, but if it can keep you safe from that murderer, then I have no choice."

"What the hell, Miku?! You've gone mad!" she yelled out. This time, she frantically struggled against the dark head's grip, shoving, pushing, and kicking to her most extent. In the end, Miku still had control over her arms and legs, so she was trapped. Breathing hard and heavily, she realized it was no use. This was what she get for spending all her time studying instead of exercising.

Miku was also tired out from [Y/N]'s struggle, but she knew she had to do one more thing. Sniffling loudly and wiping the tears from her eyes with her forearm, she gave the trapped girl a look. "I'm so, so sorry. I hope you can one day forgive me for doing this, but I'd rather have you stay alive than dead, even if you might hate me from now on. I want you to know that I love you and that I'm doing this for your own good."

[Y/N] shook her head as she cried out too. Her friend didn't have to do this. She never asked for her fucking help in the first place! While she laid there on the dirty ground, helpless like a prey being caught by its predator, Miku's hands formed into fists. In one swooping motion, she aimed it across her face, using as much strength as she could.

The blow on [Y/N] hurt immensely and pain exploded everywhere. Letting out a whimper, she felt faint and everything grew dark. Losing conscious, her body turned limp.

Miku took one look at the girl and cried out in horror. She had just inflicted pain on her best friend, who had gone through so much already. Pressure, death, betrayal, and heartbreak was all [Y/N] seemed to be dealing with lately. Miku gently swept a loose [h/c] lock away from her tired looking face in a loving manner. She hoped that one day her beautiful friend would only ever experience real happiness. Whispering sorry's repeatedly as she got off the limp body, she slowly held her friend by grabbing her underarms.

Dragging her friend away from the clearing and towards civilization, she wondered how she could make it back home without catching too much attention from others. Propping [Y/N] up with one of her arms, she used the other hand to take her phone out. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that she had phone signal here. She glanced at the beautiful lake, which still had that dead corpse laying there. Since the land was privately owned, they must've bought signal here.

Typing in her home address into her gps, she widened her eyes in shock to see that these woods were the same ones behind her house. Feeling so lucky by this, she hurriedly tapped on the route through the woods and with this new guide, she began her trek.

Grunting and feeling her muscles weakening, she cursed at the weather. It would've been so much better if it wasn't so hot today, but in these conditions, carrying an unconscious [Y/N] back home was the hardest workout she'd ever done.

With the silence of the woods eerily silent without the conversation of another companion, she wished she could just hurry up. Her thoughts wandered off and she started to wonder if she would be deemed a criminal now. She was technically kidnapping someone, even if it was for a good cause. So...if she called the police on Kuro, would they arrest her too?

Tired of this silence, she pulled up music from her phone. Playing her latest addiction, she sang along with it too, filling the quiet with her awful singing. "You give me your love but I fail to recognize it~"

After a few other songs of self-karaoke went by, she finally arrived to her house. Her eyes darted back and forth, making sure her neighbors weren't in their backyards. Sprinting towards her house with her friend piggybacking on her back, she almost tripped and fell multiple times.

But she made it.

Bringing [Y/N] into her bedroom, she dropped the girl onto her wooden chair. Knowing that her family didn't keep any ropes, she decided to improvise. Finding her pile of scrunches, she frowned at the thought of cutting them. They were so special to her, since she used them everyday. Yet, when she took another look of her best friend on that chair, she shook her head and quickly cut them with a pair of scissors.

Holding onto her makeshift rope pieces, she stepped up to [Y/N] and pulled her arms around the back of the chair. Tying her broken scrunchie around the wrist, she also did the same thing to the girl's legs, before she tied bigger ones around her torso to the chair...and then the legs to the chair.

She took a bandana from her shelf and wrapped it around the mouth. Backing away, she looked at her work proudly. She was one hell of a kidnapper. 

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