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     It made her wonder why. Why she hadn't been able to resist their pleas. All it would lead her to was trouble. Her parents would restrict even more of her freedom if they knew what she was going to do tomorrow night. Then there was also Kuro, whom she wanted to avoid at all costs, and yet, here she was. Following obediently to Aoi's words and helping her, when there was no benefit for herself from doing this.

     After grabbing her lunch from the lunchroom, she had departed from Miku and the large room. She was now heading towards where Aoi had told her to go. The library. Apparently, Kuro had been spending time in the library instead of the lunchroom on Wednesdays to study.

     Yes, that had caught her by surprised too when she heard about it. Call her judgmental and all, but that one player did not seem close to being studious.

     So that must've been why Aoi had fallen for him. [Y/N] was pretty sure the girl liked to read books. They must've met in the library and that was probably how their love story began. She rolled her eyes at the thought of it.

     Holding tightly onto her food tray, she took a deep staggering breath. It did not help her jitters at all. What was she going to say to him? Just imagining what she'll have to do in a few minutes was making her hands sweat. She didn't want to be stuck in an awkward situation again, especially with him. So why did she accept this exactly? Maybe she should just run back to the lunchroom and tell Aoi that she would not do it. She also frowned at that thought. Her ego was too large to run away from this like a coward.

     Walking down the deserted hallway, she continued towards the end of the hallway. When she reached the end of it, she turned to her right and reached her hand out at the knob in front of her. Staring at the beautiful, dark, large doors, she studied the eclectic details that were carved on it.

     She shook her head at herself; she was just delaying it, because she was afraid. Straightening herself out, she finally went to push the door open.

     Inside, the library was brightened by golden light. The large windows at the end of the room were casting it and it let her see all the dust particles that were floating gently around her. She felt herself calm instantly by the sight of it. She had never come here when it looked like this before. It now made her regret not coming here as often.

     Taking one hand off her tray, she went over towards the nearest table. It had a book on it, so she glided her finger at the smooth texture of it. Oh how she missed her middle school days, where her parents weren't as suffocating as they were now, and she could read all the books she wanted to.

     Before she could stop herself, she opened the book's cover and traced the soft page.

     "Look who's here," a deep voice had suddenly whispered in her ear, causing her to jump back. In her shock, she rushed to close the book again, but then her pointer finger ripped through the edge of the paper.

     "Fuck!" she cursed, watching the blood drip through her skin. It had given her a paper cut. She turned to her right and her assumption was correct. It was indeed Kuro. She bristled when seeing his overconfident, cocky-ass face. He had angered her once more.

     Though his smirk faded as quickly as it had appeared on his face, and his eyes were now trailing the blood on her finger. "Hey....I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you that much," he awkwardly apologized, scratching his head. "Do you need a bandaid? I can go grab one for you."

     She shook her head and took a tissue out of her backpack after setting her tray down on the table. She wrapped it around her finger and tied it into a knot. "Don't act caring to me. It's only pissing me off even more."

    His emotions were as quick as a light switch. His grin came back on. "Still mad at me? You must've been thinking a lot about me lately."

    It made her blush, so she quickly let the curtain of her [h/c] hair cover her cheeks. "I don't have time for your immature comments," she snapped at him.

    "Then why are you here?" he asked her, his eyes watching her in genuine curiosity. [Y/N]'s eyes fell to his side and had only just noticed the book he had in his hand. So he really was studying.

     "Aoi," she curtly answered, and that was all he needed to hear.

     His blue eyes hardened into piercing ice and he inched back from her. "She needs to get over herself."

     "What are you talking about?" [Y/N] demanded from him. "It's not that hard to answer her question to why you left her."

     "Would she really want to know though?" he said, his eyes challenging her. Somewhere in them she could see was a warning. In the silence between the two, there laid the unspoken words that it would only hurt her even more to know the truth.

     She sighed. This was too mentally draining for her....and it wasn't even her business! "Then what should I tell her?"

     His face smoothened out and he gave her an easy smile. His facial expressions could change so quickly that they were almost....creepy. "Tell her that I've been going through family situations and would not have time for a girlfriend. Tell her that it's nothing personal."

     She could almost already see the entire reason for this breakup. She could see the deceitful actions and the lies he had sprouted. It really was better off to sugarcoat it. Aoi was already in a bad spot as it is.

     "Fine," she reluctantly said. She gave him a look and the corners of his lips curled upward. "I'm done here. I do not want to deal anything with you anymore."

    Kuro feigned a hurt look on his face. "Wow, I thought we were going to be friends."

    "Hell no," she snarled, turning away from him. It was time to leave.

    His warm, strong hand snaked around her wrist before she could totally walk away. He somehow made the contact much more sexual than it needed to be.

    "Before I forget," he softly said, "you need to tell me your name."

     She narrowed her eyes at him. "No."

     He licked his lips and his eyes stared at her intensely. "Then I might just have to give you a nickname."

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