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Three years. It had been three years since the last time [Y/N] saw him, being pulled away from her grasp. She should've moved on from him, right? But why was she still holding onto him? Why did she spend so much money on therapy to try and get rid of the thought of him, only to have him haunt her dreams at night? She'd tossed and turned, waking up the next morning with dark circles beneath her eyes. It was a never-ending cycle and it led her to one decision. She was...going to become a police officer.

No. She no longer thought of him as the boy - man she loved. Her infatuation had soon faded into the background, leaving her only with a cold reality and a dark abyss. When she realized that, she shed no further tears for him and hardened herself, going back to the [Y/N] everyone had known.

She became a respected officer, getting very sharp at everything she did, from shooting bullets and catching bad guys. She did not work at the jail Kuro resided in, but officers knew her from there. She actually would visit them often, yet would never go into the actual prison.

She acted the same as before she met Kuro, but no one knew how truly broken she still was. Therapy didn't work so she stopped going; instead, she suppressed her feelings down into her core. It was bubbling, bottling up, but she would continue to ignore it.

Of course, bottling things up tend to have a certain point where it'd all explode.

Smoothing out her dark, blue uniform, she patted the leather that led her gun. Staring at herself through the tall, lean mirror in front of her, she took in her [e/c] eyes that swirled with something unknown. She curved her lips up and the corners of her eyes crinkled, which was something that did not happen often. The only reason why she was even smiling was because she had something fun in store today.

Taking a deep breath, she slung her bag over her shoulder. The door of her apartment suddenly slammed open. She turned to face the commotion and saw Miku stepping in with groceries. The two of them were sharing the complex together, since they didn't have enough money to live alone yet.

After that one incident, Miku wasn't the same either. She had chopped her silky, black hair off into a pixie cut, making her look so much more badass than pretty. The dark head scanned [Y/N]'s outfit up and down, before giving her a thumbs up. "You look nice," she complimented. "Now help me out here before you go to work, missy."

Yes, the two of them were still the best of friends to this day. [Y/N] wondered how she could ever deserve a friend such as Miku. She was so blind back then, but when she finally understood how manipulated she was by Kuro, she apologized to her friend a million times.

"You better have not bought ten bags of chips again," she warned the dark head, giving her a stern look. Miku rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her, to which she scoffed at.

They quickly organized the new food into their perspective places and cleaned up the mess they made. Silence filled in the place and without any words, [Y/N] stepped up towards Miku. Wrapping her arms around the girl, Miku hugged back, confused. They pulled away and her friend shot her a suspicious look. "Why are you randomly giving me a hug? You don't normally do this."

She shrugged easily. "To thank you for getting groceries," she said, walking to the door. "Goodbye Miku. I'm going."

"Bye! Stay safe out there!"

She got to the hallway filled of doors and passed through them all, until she reached the end door that led outside. The sky cloudy and murky a little, a slight breeze tickled her cheeks as she crossed the parking lot to get to the car. She climbed inside and immediately started the engine, maneuvering through the narrow space.

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