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      A week had passed and fortunately for [Y/N], there were no awkward restroom scenarios that occurred again. Her life was already settling back to its normal, boring routine, but it was for the best. Since Halloween was coming up tomorrow, that was enough of a distraction for her. It had been hard enough to convince her parents to let her come over to Miku's house, and she didn't need any more worries.

      If she had thought that people were excited last week, then that was nothing. This morning as [Y/N] talked to Miku, the class was outrageously loud and gossiping about all the Halloween parties they were going to hold. Once her friend had heard something about it, her eyes darted to [Y/N] with a glint in her pretty eyes.

      "Maybe instead of chilling at my house.....we can go to a party!" she said, with a huge grin her face.

      [Y/N] looked at her in dismay. "You're kidding, right."

      Her friend looked at her in disappointment and her long lashes lowered to the table underneath her. "You don't want to go?"

     "My parents would kill me if they find out," she explained. She bit her bottom lip in guilt, noticing how sad her friend looked. She hated letting her friend down and she knew she had done it way too many times before. Sure, Miku didn't understand what it was like to have such strict parents, but [Y/N] had to consider her feelings more. There were too many moments where she had to cancel plans with her best friend just because her parents didn't approve.

     Miku sighed and looked at her with sad eyes and said, "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked in the first place."

     That finally broke her wall down. She couldn't say no to her when she already had so many times. "Wait. I'll actually go. You deserve to go to a party every once in a while and let loose."

      Her friend widened her eyes and gaped at her. "A-are you being serious [Y/N]?! You're not just joking around?!"

      She gave her a small smile. "I'm not."

      "No way! I can't believe it! I love you so much!" Miku cheered loudly, tackling her into a hug. Being squeezed tight and towards her death, she pat her friends arm and chuckled at how dramatic she was being. She knew she was going to fucking hate the party tomorrow, but seeing her friend like this made it worth it.

     "Of course you do," she teased her.

     "We're definitely going to Kuro's party!" her friend declared. Her forehead furrowed in surprise at the sound of this. Really? Him again? Why did his name have to always come up?

      "Can't we go to someone else's party?" she nervously suggested. She could not risk the chance of having to run into him. It would be awkward, but at the same time, it would piss her off even more. Yes, she was that good at holding grudges, especially when it's something related to her parents.

      "No way!" Miku denied, not getting the memo. "It's the most popular one! I might not ever get the chance to go to one of these. It's a once in a lifetime chance!"

     [Y/N] rolled her eyes. "You talk about Kuro as if he's a celebrity," she sighed.

     Before her friend could give out a response, someone else had suddenly appeared before them. It was Aoi, that girl she had seen in the restroom last week. Her hazel eyes were blinking rapidly and her pale lips were quivering. It looked as if she as holding in tears or something. [Y/N] frowned. She had a feeling of where this was going.

      "Um...hi. I really need your help [Y/N]. Do you mind if we talk a little bit?" the girl pleaded.

      Honestly, she didn't really want to. She had already wasted enough class time to talk to Miku about their Halloween plans, but now she had to waste more time for a girl she didn't even know?

      "Sorry, but if you can't tell, I'm a bit busy," she said to the poor girl. Aoi cringed backwards at the rejection.

      Her friend gasped beside her. "[Y/N]! Don't be rude! Go and help her out! She looks really distressed."

      She turned to look at Miku with wary eyes and groaned. Of course her best friend was going to rat her out like that and make her seem like a total bad guy. It wasn't her fault she didn't want to involve herself with stupid drama.

       Reluctantly, she pushed herself up from her desk and followed the girl to the corner of the room. When they got there, she crossed her arms across her chest and stared at her with stern eyes. "This better be quick."

      Aoi gave her a sheepish smile that did not fully reach her eyes. Instead, it made her look like she was grimacing. "It might take a little while. I'm sorry," she squeaked out.

     She sighed once more. "Then hurry up and tell me."

     "Um...okay....It's just that Kuro broke up w-with me yesterday. He did it without telling me the reason why. He won't even talk to me n-now," she said. Her voice began to crack and she had to take a huge breath to regain her composure. "I....it's just that you're the only one that knew about our relationship, because you know....and I'm hoping you can do a quick favor for me by asking him the reason why he broke up with me."

     Yup....she definitely wouldn't want to get involved in this. She shook her head at Aoi. "You're going to have to deal this yourself. I can't help you," she curtly replied.

      Tears immediately sprung out of her eyes. "Please. I'm begging you," she cried. "It just hurts too much right now. You're my only option."

      Watching the girl cry over such a stupid boy, [Y/N] felt pity for her. And this was why it was never a good idea to date players. They would only leave them heartbroken and confused than ever before.

     She couldn't believe she was actually going to say this. She knew she was going to regret this, but the pain in the girl's eyes was beginning to hurt her too.

     "I'll do it."

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