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Pacing around the large bedroom, [Y/N] couldn't stop her feet from moving. Her steps were heavy, making the floor rumble a little. Combing through her hair messily in frustration, she was seriously close to having a tantrum or a mental breakdown — maybe even both. Meanwhile, Kuro was sitting at his desk, lost in thought. She glanced at him and her face automatically reddened, even in such a situation. If only she could somehow get rid of her feelings for him. Dammit, he was just as stuck as she was. Was it a bad idea to come here?

     He glanced up at her and their eyes met. Embarrassed that she'd been caught, she turned away snootily and continued to march.

    "Can you please calm down? Pacing around won't do anything to fix the problem here," Kuro told her, a tad bit annoyed.

    Whipping her head towards him, she shot sharp daggers at him with her [e/c] eyes. Fuck him; so this was who she fell for? She could've done so much better. "I will not! My future is in danger and you're telling me to calm down?!"

     He shut his eyes and rubbed his forehead for a second. "I'm sorry, but I'm trying to think of a plan to save your ass and I can't concentrate when you're walking everywhere like this."

     So, she was a burden to him. They've always thrown mean insults things at each other—well mostly her—and it never hurt their feelings, but for some reason, his words today pained her. She didn't understand why she was being so sensitive. She came to a stop in the middle of his bedroom – the bedroom she'd been trying so hard not to imagine Kuro's past girlfriends in – and took a staggering breath. "I shouldn't have come here. I think it's best if I leave."


     Ignoring him, she walked to the door and was about to open it. Hearing the spin of the chair behind her, she didn't realize that he came right behind her. A warm hand gripped her shoulder and being turned around, she was suddenly facing Kuro.

     His blue eyes were looking down at her lips and the next thing she knew, he was kissing her.

     They touched her tenderly, but the urgency of it was a clue to her that he'd been longing to do this. At this fact alone, she could've sworn her heart was about to explode.

     Wide eye and unsure of what to do, she stood there like a statue. Barely thinking straight, all she could focus on was the sound of her loud heart beating into her eardrums. Within a few seconds, Kuro noticed that she wasn't responding to his kiss and he began to back away.

     But that was when she melted into him. She couldn't contain herself any longer. If... he was going to break her heart later on, then that was for future [Y/N] to worry about. She wanted him now and she was tired of holding back. Kuro wasn't the only one who had been longing for this kiss.

     His soft lips against hers, she dug her fingers through his fluffy hair. Pulling him close to her, she felt a thrill go through her as his arms wrapped themselves around her waist. The familiar scent of mint and pine filled her nose and as their tongues slipped into one another's mouths, she sighed sweetly.

     She didn't know that she could feel so... powerful through a kiss. She felt like she could do anything and there would be no repercussions from it. It lit something within her and she had finally done something she had always wanted to: be a teenager.

     The boy in front of her pushed her against the door and the little hairs on the back of her neck rose. Now his hands were gently holding her face. He pressed upon her harder and passion bursted between them. The heat surrounding the air was almost enough to make her lightheaded. Kissing until their lips were raw, when they pulled away from one another, their chests were heaving up and down in heavy breath.

     She knew her face was red, but so was Kuro's. Rosy on the cheeks, it made her want to kiss him again. Though instead of acting on her desires, she stared at him as he did the same.

     His voice raspy, he finally uttered the first words that broke the silence. "You actually kissed back," he whispered in shock.

     Gulping, she blushed even more – if that was possible. The more she thought about what she had just done, the less real it seemed. Not having a response in mind, [Y/N] didn't say anything. Her mind filled with thoughts that were both too loud and quiet at the same time, there was one thing that especially bothered her. Her expression all serious, she softly asked him, "Are you toying with me, just like you do with every other girl?"

     His face instantly fell. Distress filling his face, he combed his fingers through his hair. "I knew this was going to bite me back in the ass. Fuck," he muttered to himself. Staring at her, she felt like he was gazing right into her soul. His beautiful eyes were pleading her. "I wish there was a way to somehow prove to you that I actually do want you, [Y/N]. I've fallen for you and I'm not here to break your heart."

     Her mouth quivered. "I want to be with you too... but I'm just really scared. And it's not only about you being a player... I might be the one to mess this up."

     Kuro reached for her hand and held onto it. Rubbing it in comfort, he smiled at her. "I'm also scared... but I believe in us. We both have fucked up families, right? Spending time with you has been the only thing that had made me happy lately. Don't you think we both deserve a little bit of happiness in our lives?"

     Those were good and valid points. He was being persuasive and she was definitely being swayed.

    "Go out with me," Kuro whispered. Placing his lips on her jawline, he trailed a couple of kisses upon her skin, leaving those places tingling. Biting down her lip to keep herself from moaning and embarrassing the hell out of herself, she softly pushed him back. He looked up at her expectedly.

     [Y/N] imagined what it'd be like to date someone like him. She envisioned the dates they'd go on and the cute moments she would experience. He could be her escape from life. Her heart pounding, she made her decision. "Okay... I'll go out with you," she declared.

     Kuro's blue eyes widened in surprise, but the largest grin ever seen graced his lips. Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he planted another kiss upon her head and she laughed.

     "If you break my heart, I'll beat you up."

     "There's the [Y/N] I know."

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