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Fury was all Kuro could feel these days. Of course, he was on cloud nine when [Y/N] told him she loved him, but it wouldn't take long until he'd think back to why she was living here with him in the first place: her fucking parents. They were on his mind all the time, especially when he would see the pinch marks left on his girlfriend's cheeks. It was still there since the day her mother dug her talons into her. Seeing it made him think....he could never let them lay a finger on her again, not even a single chance.

His arm resting underneath the soft tangled mess of [h/c] hair, he laid there in his bed and watched her sleep. She was so, so beautiful and he was never going to let go of her again. Her lips slightly open as she breathed in and out in calm fashion, he wished he could stay here all night. But unfortunately, he had other plans he needed to tend to.

Within the last few nights, he noticed that [Y/N] was a really deep sleeper. He didn't have to worry much in terms of waking her up, even if he did make sound. Using his unoccupied hand to lift her head up a little, he quickly slid his headrest arm away from the pillow and set her head back down. Expectedly, she continued snoozing away, so he bent down to kiss her head and nuzzled into it a little. Inhaling her scent, he smiled at her at her stress-free looking expression and pulled away.

Walking into his walk-in closet, he rummaged around the area to find his hoodie. Finding it in the pile of unfolded laundry, he pulled on the black thing and brought the hood up. Then, he grabbed a black mask that covered the majority of his face. Like before, he found the hidden items in his drawer to stuff syringes and latex gloves into his pockets. Though unlike before, he also added a box of matches.

Exiting the closet, he took one last glance at her. After taking a deep breath, he turned away and headed out of the room. Locking the door to the bedroom, he wanted to make sure that nothing happened to her. Once everything was situated, down the long stairs and out the door of the large house he went.

The cold bit at him, but it hadn't been as cold as it used to be. Spring was slowly and steadily coming. He couldn't help but feel a little excited, as he imagined all the different dates he could take [Y/N] to once the weather got warmer.

His eyes fell onto the car that sat in front of his house. He shook his head at himself. Going by car was too risky, so he was just going to have to suffer in the cold for a little while. Using his soccer-trained legs to push him to his destination, he reached the sidewalks. The wind brushing past him, he kept his eyes downward in case there was anyone out this late. He didn't need to be too concerned; the path and streets around him were deserted and empty of life.

The bright moon shining down on him, he used its light to see where he was going. As large mansions slowly shrunk into regular-sized houses, he knew he was getting closer to her house. In these neighborhoods, for some reason, there were more lights turned on in the houses, which made him all the more wary.

Lowering his head as low as he could in a way he could still see the view in front of him, he took a few turns on the streets, here and there. It wasn't much longer that he reached the front of the one house that he wanted to go to. Lucky for him, every window was dark and no one seemed to be up.

Panting heavily and his entire body sweaty, he stood there for a few minutes. Wiping at his forehead, he straightened himself and looked at the building with heavy determination. This was it. This was the stepping stone to his perfect future with [Y/N]. No one was ever going to hurt her again...and no one was going to take her away from him. He was also never going to hurt her from now on. She would only turn to him for anything she needed, because she would know that he would always be there for her.

There was one other thing that he brought with him that he didn't mention. Holding in the palm of his hand was a silver metal piece. It was the key that his girlfriend took with her when she left home. It was not going to be of any use after this.

His eyes darting to the neighboring houses, he was relieved to see that these houses were dark. No one was watching him, which was good - this needed to be labeled as accidental.

Stalking up the driveway, he got to the front door and jammed the key into the hole. With a click, he turned the knob and pushed it open. Quietly stepping in, he closed the door behind him. The hallway so dark, especially with no windows nearby, he kept a hand against the cool wall.

The hand on the wall used as his guide, he gently stepped through the length of the hallway. Reaching the living room, his heart squeezed at the memory of when he saw [Y/N] on the floor, trembling underneath her mother's presence. He clenched his fists tight and had the sudden urge to punch the wall. Knowing fully well that that would only lead to disaster, he took a deep breath and continued.

The floor was now carpeted and it muffled the sounds of his footsteps. He increased his pace and then got to the stairs. Swift and light, he bounded up the steps in no time.

He could hear them. The snores of her father was so loud it could be heard on the other side of the door. Kuro stood there at the doorway for a few seconds to pull on his gloves. Twisting the knob, he barged into the room to find the couple sleeping snuggly in bed. He grinned darkly at the sight of it. This made things quite easy for him.

Going closer to the woman laying on the left side of the bed, he looked down in anger. It took all of his will to keep himself from ripping her skin right off or breaking every limb on her body. But that would be too messy and risky. He had to keep in mind about his future.

Whipping out his syringe, he stuck it right through her skin. Pressing down and letting the sleeping drug get into her system, he gracefully swerved to the other side of the bed. He did the same to the man.

There was no numbing this time. They could die in agony for all he cared. Now that they could not wake up, he let out a sadistic laugh as he took out the matches. Lighting it on fire at the first attempt, he carelessly threw it on the bed. The comforter caught fire and a small flame erupted. The glow reflecting Kuro's blue eyes, he stared at it for a few moments. "Have fun in hell," he said to them. "I'm guessing this won't be the only time you'll be burning in fire."

Even with no reply, he smiled smugly as the flame grew larger by the second. It was beginning to get a little hot in here.

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