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     This place was no doubt somewhere she'd never fit into. [Y/N] was standing there, in the huge, dark living room illuminated by sexy, neon purple lights. Her limbs awkwardly dangling at her sides, she was surrounded by strangers that reeked of alcohol and loud music buzzing into her ears. Her heart was racing and her eyes roamed from one thing to another unsurely. At least there was Miku by her side and that had given her some ground to hold onto. She wasn't going crazy....just yet.

     Her friend swayed to the beat of the music with a large grin on her face. Though she was dressed rather insane and creepy, the smile on her face still made her look really adorable. It was a fine mix of crazy and cute, which complemented well with her. She peered over at [Y/N] and grabbed her hands. "Come on. Let loose a little! You said so yourself!"

      She mentally sighed to herself and forced out a smile that probably looked more like a grimace. She had come here for a reason and that was so that she wouldn't let her friend down again. So she bobbed her head along with the music and tried her best to look like she was having fun.

     The second she was actually starting to feel a little more comfortable was right when a random guy near her had stumbled onto her. He knocked her right off her feet and she knew she would've fallen if Miku hadn't caught her in time.

     Her head dizzying, the room was now starting to swirl. The heat of the teenagers, the strong of smell cologne and booze, and the music that hurt her eardrums were catching up to her. She turned to her friend to see that Miku was busy scolding at the drunk boy for bumping into her. [Y/N] grasped at her head and winced her eyes shut. Taking a few deep breaths, she knew her headache was going to go nowhere if she continued to stay here.

     "Hey," she croaked out at Miku, who was still too engrossed in her scolding. She couldn't even hear [Y/N] because of the loud music anyway. [Y/N] sighed. There was no use in trying to call at her. Her headache would only get worse if she tried to yell.

     Hoping her friend wouldn't notice if she took a little break, she shoved through the masses of people and entered into the dark, long hallway. She looked down at the pitch black before her in awe. This house was practically a mansion. She guessed playboy Kuro was also rich boy Kuro. No wonder he always sounded so self-centered.

    Her hands against the cool wall, she guided herself through the hallway and peeked into the first room on the right. Luckily it was indeed the bathroom, so she hurried inside and locked the door behind her. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and pressed her back against the doorway. The music now being somewhat muffled, she could relax her head a little.

     So she did, laying there on the bathroom floor while still wearing that stupid deer costume. The damn costume really was sticking close to her skin. She wished she brought her jacket to at least cover her butt.

     It hadn't even been three minutes when a knock shook the door, and her. Leaning away from the door, she glared at it. Someone was being an impatient fucker.

     "Not done yet!" she called through the door. If this person would be kind enough, they could hopefully spare her a few more minutes of rest.

     That had totally jinxed her...because another knock came within seconds.

    Growling under her breath, she pushed herself up from the bathroom floor, flushed the toilet to pretend she was using the bathroom for a reason, and washed her hands. Then she unlocked the door, ready as ever to unleash her rage on this unknown person.

    The rage dissipated the second she laid her eyes on the person. It was Kuro, wearing a dark eyepatch, a white loose shirt, and brown pants wrapped with a belt containing a sword. He was also holding a hat in his hand, and it was clear to her that he was a pirate.

     Though it was a rather revealing pirate, with his shirt left wide open and his strong-looking chest on display for the world to see. His face and chest was sweaty, like the rest of the teens here, and his hair was a flopping wet mess that covered his eyes. It made him look even better than usual.

     His blue eyes widened at the sight of her. She said she didn't want to see this bastard, didn't she? She didn't want to say another word to him ever again.

    She stepped out of the bathroom and tried to scurry past him....but then he wrapped his hands around hers. She flinched and stopped at the contact of his warm palm. She turned around and gritted her teeth. He only stared back at her calmly, his eyes slowly analyzing her, top to bottom.  All her almost-nonexistent curves were there for him to see. Her body felt like burning just from his stare. She could feel her face grow red and was really glad the hallway was too dark to see. It gave her the urge to wrap her arms protectively around herself....

     He smirked. "What a surprise. Didn't think a party would be your cup of tea, restroom girl."

    "Don't call me that," she snarled.

    "Don't you recall? If you don't give me your name, I needed a nickname for you."

     She couldn't waste her breath on such a guy. Roughly pulling her arm back, his grip on her slipped. She stomped away from him and entered the light once again.

    Behind her, the boy chuckled softly to himself and combed his fingers through his dark locks.

    That girl had fit into that damn, hot costume perfectly.

    Shaking his head at himself, he then also returned back to his living room and joined in on the dancing crowd. As he watched her from the corner of his eyes while he had his lips on another girl, he could see how intimidated, scared, and uncomfortable she was.

    She had chosen right to be a deer....because in his eyes, she was his prey.

    And though he was dressed as a pirate, he was her predator.

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