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A/N: Hi guys, welcome back to another chapter. I'm here to put in a warning that there is the topic of suicide in this chapter. No, there's no actual suicide or depression or any of that...but it's something relevant. It's kind of hard to explain, sorry lol. It's just part of the plot. So if it could maybe trigger any of you guys at all, please be cautious.

His father was finally home. The overwhelming presence of the man was enough to make him want to yank his hair out. In combination with his recent breakup with [Y/N], he was feeling extremely suffocated. Usually when he'd feel this way, he'd go to the lake...but even that was closed off to him. He had fucked everything up. If he hadn't accidentally kill his friend, he wouldn't have drank. If he hadn't drank, he wouldn't have cheated on his girlfriend. If he hadn't cheated, he wouldn't be stuck in this dreadful home.

     The doorbell rang an hour after Kuro had come home from school. His heart painful at the constant thought of [Y/N], he had been in the kitchen to eat his feelings away. Since he was the closest to the door, he decided to make way to it. Turning the silver doorknob, he pulled it open and his eyes fell upon three young policemen. He could feel his body instantly stiffening and his heartbeat increased just at the sight of them.

     "Hello, sir," said the blonde one in the middle. "Are you perhaps Kuro Ikeda?"

     Pushing down his initial feeling of panic, he forced a smile on his face. "Yes, that is me. What can I do for you?"

     "Are you friends with Daiki Mori?"

     Resisting the urge to gulp, he kept his expression neutral. He knew this was coming sooner or later....but it didn't look like they were here to arrest him. They must've labeled the boy missing and was searching around for him. "I am," he told them. Afterwards, he made sure to twist his face into worry. "Why? Did something happen to him?"

    "Yes. We're sorry to say, but he has gone missing. He had gone missing the night he had been to your house actually," they explained. "Would you mind if we investigate around your house for some clues of his whereabouts?"

     Kuro couldn't seem to breath. If he allowed them in, they would surely find something that would frame him to be the murderer. At the same time, if he didn't allow them, they would become suspicious, no doubt. His hands slightly shaky, he didn't know what to do. This could not be the end though....he didn't deserve to go to jail.

     A familiar, low voice that always sent chills through his spine spoke. "What is the meaning of this?" Everyone's face turned to the sound of it and were greeted by the one and only CEO. Kuro's father seemed displeased at this already, with his blue eyes dark and his mouth in a rigid line. Kuro glanced back at the policemen. Their eyes were shown of both respect and fear.

     "M-Mr. Ikeda," the blonde one greeted. They all inclined their heads as if they had met a celebrity. Kuro wanted to scoff at them for succumbing so fast.

     "So you know me," his father said dangerously slowly. "Yet you....chose to accuse my son for this case of yours? This is his friend we're talking about and he's currently grieving, so how could you barge in here uninvitingly so?"

     "Please sir, we're just here to do our job. We're not accusing - "

     "You won't find anything here," the man bluntly cut in. "Are you defying my logic?"

    The three of them visibly shrunk back at the sharp tone of his voice. They bowed their heads again. "We're sorry for the intrusion." With that, they turned around and left the house that would have the most evidence to their case. Kuro sneered at the sight. Policemen should know better than to be so cowardly, so they must've been some newer cops who couldn't bear the pressure of such people.

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