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The trip was over before she knew it. Sitting on the same cramped bus to drive back home, she felt like she was affected by a withdrawal from some sort of drug. She could just see how her happiness – that she had so desperately held onto – slip through her shaky fingers. This whole past week had not felt real and yet, she was already going back to reality. Adjusting her head on the uncomfortable headrest of the seat, she softly sighed in disappointment.

      Glancing at Miku who sat beside her, she noticed the girl dozing off already. She smiled a little and shook her head at her. She was not surprised at the sight of it; her friend had been chatting until past three in the morning every day during this trip. Noticing how peaceful she looked, [Y/N] decided she should try to sleep as well. She knew that staying conscious would only make her all the more anxious of going home. Closing her eyes, she waited until sleep came to her.

      When her father picked her up from the school's parking lot, it was deadly silent. There was no hug nor any greeting; the only form of exchange between them was acknowledgement in each other's eyes. Even though she should be used to it, it hurt her feelings. After all, her father was the nicer one of her two parents.

     Sitting in the passenger's seat, she stared out of the window and watched the familiar buildings passing by her. The cloudy, grey sky above her made her groggy, especially since she took that nap.

     The car stopped atop the driveway and hearing her dad wordlessly leave the car to directly head inside, she slowly unbuckled her seatbelt as well. Already feeling more alone than ever, she tiredly climbed out and fetched her luggage in the back seat.

     Padding over to the front door, she brought her things inside. Walking into the living room, she paused when she saw her mother on the couch. Before she could regret anything, she stopped herself from loudly sighing. Why was she not surprised to see her mother here?

     Lugging her bags behind her, she made her way to the other couch. "Hello, Mother."

     Her mother's sharp eyes fluttered upward, yet no emotions were revealed. "Did you get any closer to that boy?"

     "Yes. We got to talk to each other a lot. I... think he's starting to really like me," she easily lied through her teeth.

     "Good," the woman hummed. Typing away on the laptop in front of her, her next words caught [Y/N] off guard. "I've been thinking that we should invite Kuro and his parents over for dinner sometime. Your father and I would love to meet these wonderful parents of his."

     Her eyes widening in horror, she froze in her seat. She didn't have to think hard to know how much of a disaster this dinner would be. She could just imagine her parents prodding these filthy rich people while Kuro's parents are so disappointed in his new girlfriend that his abusive dad would begin to think of ways to discipline him. She shivered at the thought of it.

     Nervously chuckling, she tried to change her mother's mind. "Don't you think it's a bit too early for this kind of stuff?"

     "No... I'm sure his parents are just as curious and excited to meet their lovely son's girlfriend – as well as her parents, don't you think?"

     "I... of course, but they're quite busy people," [Y/N] tried to reason, averting her eyes from her mother.

     "Then they'd be all the more pleased to take a small break from their busy lives," the woman pointed out.

     Her mother was so fucking persistent. But she had to try any way possible to prevent this from happening. Shaking her head, [Y/N] hissed, "I still don't think—"

     "Enough is enough." Her mother's voice sent chills down her spine. The cold woman's eyes turned into slits and her beautiful face was contorted in anger. Looking at her face, [Y/N] was reminded of the day this woman had shoved a bar of soap into her mouth. She instantly faltered; her heart beating rapidly and feeling a little sick, she wondered if she could run into her room. "You will do as I say and you're going to ask your boyfriend to invite his parents over. Have I made myself clear?"

     Hands tightly clenching around the strap of her bag, she lowered her head to the carpeted ground. "Yes, Mother," she mumbled obediently.

     When she looked back up, her mother's face was as passive as ever. It was as if she hadn't even been angry just a few minute ago. "You're excused then, Daughter."

     Immediately taking this opportunity, [Y/N] stood up on her shaky legs and walked into her room with her bags in tow. Shutting the door behind her, her legs gave out and she sagged to the ground. Her eyes shutting in fear, she wished she could scream. Her plan was already falling apart. She knew that this happiness could never last; she knew she couldn't escape her parents forever. Yet, this stupid hope of hers always made things so much more difficult.

     Thinking back to Kuro, she thought about how she would have to go and try and talk to him. Maybe he was going to have ideas to help her with this, which in this itself was another problem. She hadn't been able to get rid of her feelings for him during the trip. She didn't want to go see him now just to somehow end up liking him more. What it all boiled down to was: She didn't want to get hurt by someone like him – a player.

     Except, [Y/N] knew she didn't have much of a choice. Compared to her problem with her parents, her feelings for an idiotic boy were inferior. Somehow, she would have to suck it up and put it behind her to save her future. Tackling problems one by one was the only way she could do it.

     [Y/N] had to go see him — now.

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