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[Y/N]'s parents had finally released them from their clutches after an hour of talking. It had almost driven her insane, if she was being honest, but somehow, having Kuro there with her made it an ounce bit easier. Maybe it was because it felt like there was someone on her side for once, if ignoring the fact that they weren't exactly friends. He still offered comfort to her, nevertheless, either through his gentle hand covering hers or the weird flirting/complimenting session.

     So when it was time for him to leave, she decided to walk outside with him. Standing on her house's driveway and in front of the boy, she felt grateful. He helped her once more, considering the time he brought her to his secret lake and had calmed her down from crying.

     "Thank you. You did very good. I'm almost a hundred percent sure my parents are convinced with our act," she told him, sounding a little awkward.

     "I told you not to worry," he responded with a smile.

     "And why would I trust your words at all?" she shot back, teasing.

     "Because I'm hot?"

     "You need to shut up."

    "And you're cold. You see here? Opposites attract," he pointed out, grinning mischievously. Embarrassed, [Y/N] only shook her head at that. Seriously. What was up with the excessive flirting...? Or would this even be called flirting? Was she just overthinking things? Why was she thinking about this anyway?

     A tad bit late, her only lame reply to that was, "I don't think so."

     A wave of adrenaline overcame her and before she could stop herself, she stepped a little closer to Kuro. Standing on her tip toes, she gave a peck on his soft cheek. Backing away in that instant, she looked at him to see him stunned, while she mirrored that expression.

     She didn't know what to say or do, but as her mind reeled, Kuro beat her to it. He swept his hand through her hair and tilted his head to the left. His mouth in a smirk and his eyes blinking lazily, he chuckled lowly. "Can't get enough of me, can you?"

     Her cheeks blazing in both shame and anger, she tried to protest. "I—"

     Smooth lips were then planted on her cheek as well. A warmth of breathy air hit her. Strands of wavy, thick hair tickled her. Her anger all diffusing, she was shocked as ever. What the fuck just happened? She was sure she was as red as a tomato by now.

     "You're so cute, [Y/N]," the player whispered to her, before he pulled away.

      A few seconds passed until she could fully register everything. "S-stop teasing me, y-you asshole."

     He was already on the way down the driveway. His back still turned from her, he lifted his hand in goodbye. "See you next time, restroom girl."

     It wasn't long until he was gone from her sight and the frenzy feelings from the chaos that had just occurred fade away. Glancing at her front door and the gloomy looking house, she sighed. It was time to get back to reality, where her parents were probably waiting for her. Wrapping her arms protectively around herself, she slowly walked back.

     Sliding past the door and closing it behind her, she took a few breaths. Going into the living room, she indeed found her parents waiting for her. Her mother's sharp eyes were on her and her lips were in a smug smile. Her father sat beside her mother and was lazily reading a newspaper. Knowing they wouldn't allow her to disappear into her room, she gingerly settled down on the seat in front of them.

     "Good job, [Y/N]," her mother drawled. "Kuro is perfect."

     She bowed her head a little. She couldn't help but feel a little thrill in her stomach. It had been so long since the last time her parents complimented her. "Thank you mother," she said obediently.

     "Keep doing whatever you can to keep him from leaving you. I will even allow you the freedom of going wherever after school, instead of going straight home. Maybe you can go to his house....to spice things up a little."

      Her lips slightly twitched in shock, but overall she was able to maintain her calm facade. Did her mother....really just insinuated her to...have sex in order to keep a relationship? The feeling of disgust overwhelmed her and bile started to rise up her throat. "Yes mother," she choked out.

     "As a thanks, your mother will let you hang out with Miku more often," her father added. This raised some hope within [Y/N]. At least one good thing came out of this.

     Her parents soon released her from this conversation and she hurried into her bedroom. She flung herself onto the bed and laid on her back. Staring up at the white ceiling on top of her, she tried to calm her racing heart. It was finally over. They had succeeded, at least for today. She had bought more time for herself and had also opened a little freedom into her life. It was going to be okay. She didn't need to worry so much.

      She would just have to pretend-date Kuro for a few more months until her 18th birthday came. Then she could move out of this house and never see her parents again. She was going to need to start saving money in order to find a place to rent. But that was going to be hard, since her parents only cared about her good grades. She'd only have time to focus on school.

     She was labeled as the 'good' girl in school, but the funny thing was, she didn't even want to go to college.

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