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     It's been a week since the last time [Y/N] spoke with Miku. After that painful presentation made in class, she noticed that her friend had been avoiding her as much as she could. Whenever they accidentally made eye contact, the pretty dark-haired girl would hurry to look away. During class, [Y/N] would talk to no one and during lunch, she'd sit alone. Meanwhile, Miku had other friends beside her, so she didn't need to worry. Without her best friend around, it made her life much more lonely...but at least she could focus in school and make her parents proud of her....right?

     Though she knew even that was untrue, for tensions still ran high in the family. Her parents held something against her while three weeks had passed already. This also meant that Thanksgiving was next week and just by thinking of it, it made her stomach squirm with dread. She had to somehow get her parents to forgive her before then, so she wouldn't have to deal such unwanted situations.

     Tapping her fingernails against the wooden desk, her eyes swept to the clock. She was in her current most uncomfortable class, Language Arts. It was the one class that they assigned seats and Miku was still forced to sit to her right. With the silence replacing their once friendly bicker and jokes, she sighed at the thought of it and her heart twisted. She could barely stand it. She wished time went by faster.

     Ms. Nishida clasped her hands together and turned to the class. Her strict, dark eyes on everyone, she began to explain the next assignment. "Okay class! We have another project to do—"

     "What!?" a boy in her class exclaimed. The teacher's sharp eyes narrowed on him. "Why are we doing another one?"

     Her mouth formed a tight line and she sighed. "This won't be presented in front of class, so do not start complaining. Unless you want to present for the class on this one too, Mr. Ito?"

    "N-no! I think I'm good. Sorry," he muttered, and the rest of the class laughed.

     "Do not interrupt me again," she said curtly. She returned to explaining about the project. "Anyway, from seeing all the presentations last week, those projects will lead to this next one. By pairing up with one—and only one partner, you all shall pair up with someone who has read and researched symbolism on a different story from yours. Then the two of you will compare and contrast the books and create a form of art that represents the similarities and differences. It can be a short story that combine the two works, a poem, video, poster, drawing, etcetera."

     Relief surged into her the moment Ms. Nishida said that they didn't need to pair up with the partner they had for the last project. It meant she didn't need to be with Miku again. But then the feeling didn't last long, because it also meant she was partner-less and had no one who would want to pair up with her. Gulping, she wasn't sure what to do. Her hands sweaty and her nerves tingling in anxiety, she resisted the urge to panic. She was going to be that one last kid who couldn't find a partner and would have to turn to the teacher to ask for their help. They would then announce it to the class and everyone would know by then that she was left alone.

     "Yes, you can pick your own partner," she added, leaving the class to cheer happily. "Now off you all go. Remember to stay on task, because I'm giving you class time to work on it."

     The sounds of students pushing their chairs back and standing up to rush over to their chosen partner rung in the air. Her heartbeat loud in her ears, she awkwardly glanced around the room to see the chaos. A swarm of girls all went towards Kuro in the back of the room, hoping that he'd choose them as their partner. Then there was Miku who gave her a quick glance, before walking towards her other friend in the class. That was a surprise to her, because she thought the girl would also go to the playboy.

     [Y/N] realized she couldn't just sit here and look like a fool. If only she could work alone. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself up and stiffly walked up to the front, where her teacher sat.

     Ms. Nishida's eyes flitted upwards and she raised her eyebrows. "Do you need something, Ms. [L/N]?"

     "Um...I don't have a partner," she murmured.

     "That's fine, my dear. There's someone here who doesn't have one either," the teacher assured her. Standing up, she announced to the class, "Who does not have a partner yet?"

     Eyes casted towards their way and [Y/N] lowered her eyes downward in embarrassment. Shit. She knew this was bound to happen, but she didn't think she would be able to feel so many judgmental eyes on her. Her legs trembling, she grasp the edge of the teacher's desk to stable herself.

     "I don't have one," a voice finally answered. She quickly lifted her head and her eyes widened when her eyes met familiar, blue eyes. With a smirk on his face and in the back of the room, Kuro stood there confidently without girls surrounding him anymore.

     Her jaw practically dropped to ground and it seemed everyone else was just as surprised.

     What the hell?! Did he reject all the girls who had just asked to be partners with him?!

     Oblivious to the situation, Ms. Nishida moved on. "Alright, good! Does everyone have partners now? Then go ahead and get started."

     She didn't want to move from where she was standing. She didn't want to get a single inch closer to that bastard. He was scheming something, [Y/N] was sure of it. His mischievous eyes and the fact that he had so many options for partners, but didn't pick one was enough said.

     She just didn't know what.

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