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She had been here for weeks already, but she could still not get used to how big this house was. It was empty of life too, with no one around except for her and Kuro. The furniture laying around everywhere was left cold, since there wasn't anyone to make use of them. He never hired his house staff back either...and his mother was still nowhere to be found. [Y/N] wished she could ask him about it, but she had a feeling that it was a touchy topic to him.

Most of the time she had was spent in the guest room Kuro offered to her. The smaller space was more welcoming and it didn't intimidate her as much. It was a room quite close to the boy, so she wasn't too far from a living being, which helped her from getting paranoid. Lastly, it kept her from going near...that office room: the place where the news reported to have found the body of Mr. Ikeda. She shuddered to even think about it. It was horrifying that she was in the same house where such events took place recently, but this was better than staying back at home...right?

As she quickly pulled the purple, velvet curtains of the window shut to get ready for bed, she heard a knock on her door. "Come in," she said, allowing for the boy to walk in. He came in wearing a plain, white t-shirt and gray sweatpants, as if he was ready for bed too. She didn't like how attractive he still looked in them though.

His eyes swept to her body and he suddenly smirked. Knitting her eyebrows together in confusion, she quickly looked down at her attire too and realized that she was wearing a white tank top. With no bra underneath, her breasts poked out and anyone could sort of see them through the thin fabric. Letting out a silent gasp, she hurried to cross her arms across her chest. Her face red and flustered, she saw that Kuro was amused. Slowly...the two of them were getting back to their normal selves. But she wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not in regards to Kuro. He was such a stupid asshole sometimes.

"W-What are you doing here?" she asked him.

His smile left his face and a soft look replaced his expression. "I wanted to check up you."

"Oh, you don't need to do that," she said, wishing he'd just leave, so she wouldn't feel so embarrassed anymore. "We have school tomorrow. We should both go to sleep now."

"I miss you, [Y/N]."

She froze and awkwardly stared at him for a few seconds. The way he was gazing at her was thrilling...but she wasn't sure if she'd be ready to go back to him yet. She wondered if she could pull it off if she joked about it. So she let out a forced laugh. "You see me everyday. What's there to miss?"

His long legs took a few steps forward and before she could register anything, he pulled her to him. "This is what I miss. I want you in my arms, forever," his husky voice whispered. He lowered his face and planted gentle kisses along her collarbone. The plumpness of it pressed down on her skin and she bit down her lip. He always seemed to know how to fish her back in...because, right now, at this moment, she did not want to let go of him either.

He finally sucked on a tender mark on the skin of her neck and she let out a moan. His eyes lit up at the sound of it and he brought his head up until he reached face level to hers. They dropped down to her lips and his heavy breathing hit her with a wave of mint. He was silently asking for permission and because she could no longer hold it, she gave it.

Barely a second later, he kissed her. She kissed him back almost instantly.

Their lips hungry for each other, it became a tug of war. Releasing her crossed arms, her boobs pressed against his strong chest. Kuro leading them to the bed, they laid there, with her legs wrapped around his torso. The white blanket of the bed scrunched beneath them and together were limbs tangled.

When they broke apart, [Y/N] leaned into his body and the two of them cuddled. His body heat was warmer than a blanket ever was. "I missed you too," she murmured, her curtain of [h/c] hair helping to cover the content smile on her face.

"If it hurts to stay with me - "

"I want to give us another chance," she interrupted him. The body behind her sat upwards and she was pulled alongside. She turned around to see him wearing the largest grin she'd seen on anybody.

"You don't know how insanely happy this makes me," he said. The stress that she saw within the last few weeks were gone and all she could see now was the true Kuro. He laid his head down on her lap, the weight of it giving her strange comfort. She hesitantly lifted her fingers and began to stroke the locks of his dark, silky hair.

"You're the only one who understands me," she explained, tracing her pointer finger along the features of his face.

He stopped her pointer finger and brought her hand to his lips. He gave it a quick peck and then let it go. She resumed her tracing. "And you're the only one who understands me," he repeated after her.

"You and me, against the world, huh?" she said breathily.

"You and me against the world," he repeated once more.

This was all she needed in life. If she had Kuro by her side for the rest of her life, she could finally move on from this dark part of it sooner than later. She no longer had her parents' control on her, so if she could take the next step of finding her true self and her true goals, she would be ready for anything. She could find out new hobbies that she enjoyed and work a job to give her experience. She wouldn't need to go to college if she didn't want to; hell, maybe she could even chase after her childhood dream and become a firefighter.

This was all thanks to him. Lovingly, she bent her head down and kissed his lips one more time, surprising him. "I love you too, Kuro."

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