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Kuro lied to [Y/N]. Well....it was true that his dad would beat him sometimes, but he exaggerated many things. He wasn't so afraid of his father that he'd hide from him, because he was not a fucking coward. But when that girl came over to his house, he knew he had to look vulnerable. Girls loved when boys get vulnerable, so he used that knowledge to benefit him. Soon enough, he would have her wrapped around his fingers.

     He smirked when he saw how well it worked the next day. Before, whenever their eyes would accidentally meet, [Y/N] would glare or look at him in annoyance. That all changed and during school, the girl would have a concerned face on and would try and give him small smiles, as a way to support him.

     Her smiles sent his heart racing a little. He liked the way she cared so much for him, despite the hatred she always say she had for him. She had a habit of caring way too much, and he clearly saw that when she defended her friend from him. It was what caught his interest in the first place.

     "Hey Kuro," she greeted him, seating herself in front of him. They were at the near end of their project for Language Arts. He looked up at her in surprise. She would never greet him like this. It made him excited again, at the thought of progress.

     "Aren't you being kind today," he pointed out nonchalantly, as they both pulled out their laptops in unison.

     She ignored his cocky response. "How was your day today?"

     That left him flabbergasted. So he couldn't really get her angry. She was way too worried about his situation right now that she'd rather be civilized with him. Was she that selfless that she'd want to help someone she despised? She was so strange sometimes...he could never seem to understand her.

     "It wasn't all that bad today," he said, reaching his arm towards her. Picking up a stranded piece of her [h/c] hair, he swiftly tucked it behind her ear. Grinning at her flustered face from that small contact, he was amused. It was fun to mess around with her.

     [Y/N] cleared her throat and turned her attention back to the PowerPoint. "That's good," she replied. "Should we finish our presentation now?"

     "Anything for you," he said, sending her a quick wink. Shifting in her chair slightly, it was the first sign of any agitation from her this whole day. Kuro wanted to laugh at that, imagining how hard it must be for her to keep her annoyance in tact. She always got easily annoyed with him, after all.

      When there were five minutes left of class, the two of them completed the project. Sighing in relief at having it finished on time, [Y/N] had a grin on her face as she submitted it online. "We actually did it," she sighed in content.

     "It's all thanks to your cute little brain of yours. It's too smart for this world," Kuro teased her.

     She rolled her eyes. "If you haven't noticed, your brain also contributed. You're actually smart."

     "'Actually'? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

     She fidgeted for a few seconds and frowned. "I guess...my first impression of you was a little off. It surprised me when I saw you at the library that day."

      He raised his eyebrows at that and shook his head. "Didn't anyone teach you not to stereotype? Shame on you, love," he dramatically said, clucking his tongue.

     Though it was just a joke, she looked ashamed and guilty. He assumed she was still thinking about what he told her yesterday. Which was good. The more bad she felt for him, the more inclined she'd feel to spend time with him.

     The bell rang and they parted their ways for the next class. They rest of the day went by like a blur, so soon enough, Kuro was back home. Unfortunately, soccer was almost ending and there wasn't any practice today, so his nerves were tingling. All day long, he had been sitting and doing nothing. Everything was fucking boring.

     Temptations. That's right. Without his sport or anything interesting happening at school, he was tempted to do something.....the darkness in him wouldn't quit churning.

     His hands slightly shaking, he ignored the maid that greeted him and headed straight to the garden at the back of the house. Dropping his backpack, he kneeled onto the ground and dug his bare fingernails against the dirt. Frantically, finding the roots of the first victim flower, he scooped it up. In one easy motion, he squeezed the flower into his palm.

     Dropping it like a crumpled, dead body, he went for the next one. Over and over, he continued, like an ongoing cycle. He couldn't seem to stop. He craved for more. Ripped flowers couldn't seem to satisfy him as much anymore. And it was angering him.

      Grabbing fistfuls of dirt, he threw them at the greenhouse glass and it hit with a loud thud. Breathing hard and heavy, he suddenly froze when he heard a voice.


    Shit. He knew that at one point or another he'd be caught. He was just too reckless to cover it well. Slowly turning around, he saw his mother standing at the door steps, looking elegant as ever in a bathrobe. Her dark long locks were wrapped in a damp towel and her blue eyes, similar to Kuro's, were wide in shock.

     She took in the view, of his dirt filled hands and clothes, and the dead flowers laying all around him. Rubbing her forehead a little, she looked as if she would faint any second.

     "Wh-what is the meaning of this?" she asked him fearfully. A few tears slid down her face. "You know how precious this garden is to me."

     His cold eyes never getting any warmer, he answered, "Breaking what shouldn't have existed."

     He didn't want to ruin his relationship with his mother, because she was the only person he had ever loved in the world.....but....their family was already fucked up anyway. He was already fucked up.

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