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     [Y/N] never thought she'd be in such a situation where she has to convince a hot guy to leave the girls' restroom. There was like what, two minutes until the next class began and she was here dawdling around with this stupid player? She really couldn't afford to be late for class. Her parents would immediately notice the tardy and confront her about it.

     "Please just leave," she hissed at Kuro. She was slowly losing patience and this boy's consistent smirk on his face wasn't making things any better.

     "Why don't you just go right now and ignore me? Relieving oneself is natural for all humans. We shouldn't be ashamed of it," he suggested.

     She gave him a disgusted look. "That sounds very indecent," she said, before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Come on. Your girlfriend was very polite and left right after I scolded you guys, but you're still here and being very rude. You should learn a thing or two from her."

     "She's not my—"

     The sound of the bell echoed through the school building and [Y/N] froze. Realizing what that meant, she thumped her fist at the restroom wall in anger. "No! No! Just why!? I....I can't believe I'm late for once," she cried out in shame. She looked down at the ground and thought out the many scenarios that were going to happen tonight between her and her parents.

     "You're very interesting...." Kuro voice whispered into her ear. In shock, she looked up and saw a very close vision of his undeniably, beautiful blue eyes. She flinched and moved away from him and narrowed her eyes.

     "Nothing's interesting about this," she seethed. "You just made me late for class, you dimwit."

     He smiled at her and gazed at her curiously. "That's exactly what's interesting. You're the first person I've seen to panic so much just for class."

     She rolled her eyes and shook her head at him. "Since I'm late anyway and you're not going to leave, I'll just have to go to a different restroom," she stated.

     "You don't have to do that. I'll leave now," he told her, gracefully walking out of the area. She stared at him as he disappeared from her view. He couldn't have done that a few minutes ago?! What a bastard.

     Now without the the interruptions of any smooching or any annoying boys, she took a breath and finally entered a stall. Once that was done, she washed her hands clean and exited the damn place. To her great pleasure, she was greeted by the one and only Kuro again, as he leaned against the hallway wall. She did not have the time for this.

     "What's your name?" he asked her.

     "It's one you don't need to know," she snapped at him.

     He gave her a crooked smile. "Aw, don't be like that love. I know you're mad at me for making you late, but at least you got to meet me, yeah?"

     "Bye," she said coldly in response, turning away from him and briskly walking to her next class.

     Entering her math class, her stern teacher glanced up. "[Y/N], I never expected you to be late for class."

     Her face burning up in embarrassment, she bowed in apology. "I am so sorry Ms. Saito, please forgive me."

     Her teacher slightly nodded. "Don't worry Ms. [L/N], I know you're a very good student, so I won't mark you tardy. This will be the only time though."

     Hearing that, the burden on her shoulders instantly lightened. A grin appeared on her face. She had received a miracle. There were no parents' wrath she would have to deal with tonight. She was saved. "Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, leaving her teacher a little surprised. Seriously though, she could almost cry because of this.

     She hurried on to her desk and sat down next to Miku. Her best friend glanced, her face confused. "Did someone replace [Y/N]? The [Y/N] I know would never allow herself to be late for class," she teased her.

     She chuckled a little and rolled her eyes. "It wasn't my fault. It was because of a couple who decided to have a makeout session in the restroom."

     Mike raised her eyebrows. "Seriously?! Who?"

     She sighed. Her friend always loved gossip, so [Y/N] wasn't exactly surprised to hear her friend ask about the people kissing instead of asking about her problem. "Aoi and Kuro."

     "Aoi?!" her friend yelped out. "I can understand Kuro, but really? Her? I would never expect it. She's always so quiet in class.... Damn, I didn't know she had it in her."

      "Well Kuro's a dickhead and I feel bad for her," she pointed out.

      "I mean, who can resist him?" Miku giggled.

      She didn't want to hear any more about this Kuro guy, so she went to rummage through her backpack. Grabbing her notebook, she set it on her desk perfectly and put her pens on the side of it. Just because she was thrown off course by that annoying guy a few minutes ago, that didn't mean she could slack off. From now on, she had to really make sure not to be thrown off course.

      "Won't you tell me your reaction and what happened when you saw them?" her friend complained.

      "Later," she replied curtly. Miku pouted her in disappointment, but she knew how dedicated she was with school, so she went to take out her math notebook as well.

     The rest of the class was filled of lecture and note taking, similar to what they had to do in first hour. Wow, school was really boring today. Not to mention, but [Y/N] could feel her eyes getting droopy. If she had thought first hour was bad, this was worse. She probably didn't get enough sleep last night, since she had been studying pretty late for her project for science. She didn't even know what time she had fallen asleep at.

      Digging her nails into her palms to keep herself awake, she couldn't help but think about Kuro. Thinking of him made her annoyed, so that also helped her from falling asleep.

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