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His thoughts drifting off to [Y/N] every few seconds, he mindlessly let out a puff of marijuana. Kuro was currently in his living room with five of his friends, whom have decided to invite themselves into his house. It wasn't like he wanted them here, since he never enjoyed their presence all that much, but he knew that they wouldn't relent until he allowed them in. His so-called friends were quite the stubborn type. Oh well...at least they had brought more pot over.

His mouth twitched slightly as he remembered the kiss he shared with her on that date. Those soft, peachy lips were for him, and only him. He honestly still couldn't believe she was his, considering how much she had hated him back then. He most definitely wanted to date her during the time he asked her out, but he never thought she would actually agree to it. He jumped to it, fully aware that she was super vulnerable at that moment. And that vulnerability helped him, in this case.

Not bothering to even join his company's heedless conversation, he lazily threw his stub into the trash and got up from the couch.

"Where are you going, Kuro?" one of his friends asked him.

"The bathroom," he curtly responded, without turning to look at them. Walking into the dark hallway, he didn't bother to switch the lights on and continued to walk through the narrow space. Finding the nearest bathroom in the large house, he reached his destination and flickered on the lights. This bathroom turned out to be the one he saw [Y/N] in, during that Halloween party.

He could remember knocking on the door repeatedly and rather rudely, when it opened and revealed her. Her signature annoyed face was as clear as day, and her body was in that hot deer costume. It perfectly defined every curve she had and he couldn't help but look her over.

A smile tug at his lips and he shook his head at that silly memory. It had seemed so long ago.

Going into the bathroom, he closed the door behind him. Without making a move towards the toilet, he stood there in the middle of the room. He wasn't here to relieve himself; instead, he came here to get privacy from his guests. Whipping out his phone, he scrolled through the contacts until he saw the one he was looking for. He had been itching to call her all day. Lately, for some reason, he needed to hear her voice.

The phone dialing the call, he patiently waited for a few moments. His agitation growing more fierce by the second, the moment the call went to voicemail, he slammed his hand down on the sink counter. Swearing under his breath, he fought the urge to yell, in case his guests could hear him. He didn't know why, but moods swings have been getting to him, especially when regarding his girlfriend.

Roughly pushing the door open, he froze when he noticed someone standing out there, covered by the darkness of the hallway. Recognizing the silver color of his hair, he realized it was Daiki, one of the five friends that came over today. The boy that was leaning against the wall came up to him and he stared at him with suspicion, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

Daiki was the only one in this group of friends that would be deemed as a player, besides himself. Because of that, Kuro used to talk to him as they shared their...achievements, trying to one-up each other on the quest of preying upon women.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice quiet and calm.

"Well...I've been wanting to talk to you," the other boy responded, his green eyes shone of haughtiness.

"About?" he said impatiently.

"About your new...girlfriend," Daiki responded. Kuro tensed up immediately, but the boy being oblivious to the glowering eyes that was sent towards his way, he continued to let everything out. "[Y/N] [L/N], was it? So Kuro the playboy has struck yet again. To be honest, I thought you could've done better. She doesn't have the prettiest face, but I guess her body's kind of hot. A nice ass, I suppose. Anyway...when are you planning to break her heart?"

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