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She was busy filling out her science work packet, but then she suddenly felt someone's hand touching her hair. [Y/N] flinched at this contact and turned her head to find Shou, that one bright, but annoying guy who asked for her pencil that one time. He stared back at her with no shame in his eyes, grinning wide. At least he had the decency to let go of her strand of hair. She made a face at him. He was so weird. She didn't even know what to say to him.

     "What....are you doing?" she asked him.

     He chuckled at her and scratched his fluffy head. "I was just comparing girls' hair. I learned from my friend that there are different hair types, so I'm checking to see if that's true."

     Okay....so weird would be an understatement for this boy. He had no manners whatsoever. "You do know that touching other peoples' hair randomly like that is rude and kind of creepy, right?"

     Shou made a shocked face at that. "Wait, really?! I didn't know that! I'm so sorry," he blubbered. She analyzed him and decided that he was genuinely sorry. Especially when...he stood up in front of her and bowed several times in apology.

     Embarrassed for both herself and this dude, she grabbed his arms and shook her head at him. She secretly thanked the Lord when he actually stopped. "I forgive you. You didn't need to bow for me," she laughed nervously.

     His eyes were twinkling with stars. He looked at her excitedly. "Wow, you're so nice! What's your name?"

     She frowned. They sat next to each other in class since the beginning of the year, but he never learned what her name was? Ugh, this guy was seriously an airhead. Being around him was enough to make her mentally exhausted. "[Y/N]," she reluctantly answered with a sigh.

     "I'm Shou!" He looked down at her science packet and furrowed his eyebrows at it. "Oh. The answer here is wrong."

     She also furrowed her own eyebrows. "It is?"

     He confidentially nodded his head and showed her where she got it wrong. Walking through it together, she realized that Shou was correct. She did get it wrong. She was surprised at how smart he was, which made her feel a little bad. She was stereotyping people again.

     "Thank you," she told him. A small smile was on her face. She decided he wasn't so bad, after all. In a way, he was like the little brother she never had. She had always wanted a brother when she was a kid back then, but of course, that didn't happen. If she did get a sibling, no doubt, her life would already be better. She would be less lonely and it wouldn't only be her who'd get the pressure from her parents.

     "You're welcome!" he responded. "You look really pretty when you smile. You should smile more often."

     She widened her eyes and blushed. "That was really forward for you," she chuckled.

     He had a smug look on his face as he shrugged. "That's because I'm the definition of forward."

     She rolled her eyes. "Ahh, yes. No doubt about it."

     He held out his fist and she hesitantly bumped her own against his. With that, he finally returned back to his own desk. Feeling a little disappointed that their conversation ended so soon, she pushed it down and went back to her science packet. [Y/N] didn't know him well, but Shou was someone she could talk to pretty easily. She assumed him pretty harshly, but she now hoped to become friends with him. She did need more friends, after all.

      The bell rang and since this class was the last period of the day, school was over. Because of her newfound freedom, she had made plans with Miku. So packing up her stuff into her backpack, she got up from her desk and walked among the crowd. Following the line of students, she reached the main entrance and found her best friend there.

      They began their walk to Miku's house. With her friend by her side, she smiled to herself. Her life seemed to be improving. She had Miku again and her plan involving her parents was working. Her relationship with Kuro was also doing better. She even met a potential new friend today. It was all going so well. She hoped this feeling of content never ends. She wished to always have good days.

     "You look happy," her friend pointed out.

      "I guess I am. It was a good day today."

      "I'm glad. You deserve it," Miku said. She swung her arm over [Y/N]'s shoulder and squeezed her in comfort. "It's honestly a miracle that your parents bought your fake relationship with Kuro. You hate each other's guts."

      [Y/N] shook her head. "We don't hate each other anymore."

      Miku raised her eyebrows at that. "Oh really? When's the wedding?"

      "Shut up," [Y/N] grumbled. "I'd never fall for a player. Also, I didn't let you get close to Kuro back then, so I'd be a hypocrite if I do end up liking him." Thinking back to how she kissed his cheek, she fidgeted. She could never tell her friend about that. The girl would definitely get the wrong idea here. That peck was harmless. It was something...that she did in the spur of the moment. It didn't mean she liked him.

      "Well...I'll still give you my blessing if you two end up dating. He's always been more interested in you from the beginning anyway."

      She blinked in shock to hear that. Was what Miku said true? In the past, she had been too angry to notice if Kuro was interested in her. But why would he be? Her friend was prettier and more interesting than her. She silently shook her head to herself. It couldn't possibly be true. Miku had probably imagined it or something.

     "Yeah....I don't think so. It's not going to happen," she laughed. She wanted to change the topic badly.

     Miku was still very serious though. "You never know. I see him watching you....a lot."

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