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Since they arrived to the camp late in the evening, not much else happened and the rest of the day went by fast. There were no activities that needed to done today, so students mostly hung out with their friends. Before [Y/N] knew it, nighttime had arrived and it was almost curfew time. Everyone began to make their way to their respective cabins to get ready for bed.

      She had also finally met the fourth member, whom she'd share a cabin with. Her name was Oka and she was Aoi's friend. The girl had really long, dark hair that she'd put in a braid and a gray, stormy gaze. [Y/N] initially thought it was going to be awkward to stay with someone she wasn't familiar with, but this Oka girl turned out to be really funny. She made the situation comfortable quickly.

     Blowing her hair dry from her recent shower and already in her pajamas, [Y/N] smiled at herself in the mirror. It had been a while since she felt this relaxed.

     Turning the machine off once her [f/c] hair was dry enough, she exited the bathroom the. She was about to make her way towards the bedroom — where she could hear her friends already whispering to one another, but then she suddenly paused: She had heard something.

     A muffled thud could be heard in the cabin's small living room. Her heart racing a little, she suspiciously glanced at the dark room to her left. Slowly tiptoeing to the larger room instead, she peered around. She almost had a heart attack when she saw a dark figure looming in front of the window. However, she soon realized it was someone she knew. She narrowed her eyes before quickly putting on her [f/c] jacket.

     As quietly as she could, she opened the door and walked outside into the cold; she shivered. It was still snowing, but that wasn't her main focus right now.

    "What are you doing here?" [Y/N] hissed.

    As she got closer, she could see his face clearer. She also noticed the small pebbles he was holding in his right hand. So that was what was making the noise.

     Kuro gave her a devilish grin and blew out cold air. His cheeks were red from the cold, making him look adorable. Stuffing his hands into his pocket, he rocked back and forth. "I wanted to see your beautiful face," he whispered in a low tone.

     She didn't like how easily the comment made her heart skip a beat. Covering it all up, she forced a scowl on her face. "You do know that we're past curfew, right?"

     Much to her surprise, he sighed and looked a little defeated. "I know... it's just... that I have a lot of things on my mind and well... you're the only one here who knows even half of my problems."

     Her [e/c] eyes widened as she thought back to earlier today when they were boarding the buses and she had seen Kuro's exhausted face. Was her theory correct?

     Her eyes instantly softening at his words, she gave out a disgruntled sound. "Fine," she mumbled, trying to look as reluctant as she could. "I'll spare a few minutes for you."

     Kuro winked at her. "I knew you'd make time for me," he cooed. Taking his hand out of his pocket, he reached over to hers and grabbed it. The warmth of it and the softness of his skin made her stomach do a somersault. He led her around the cabin and then pointed to the low roof of it. "We're going up there."

     She looked at him as if he was crazy, which he truthfully was. "Aren't we in enough trouble already?"

     He shrugged. "Not if they don't catch us. Come on, I'll boost you up."

     Glaring at him for a few seconds, she sighed and relented when she realized he wasn't going to back down any time soon. Rubbing her eyes warily, she hesitantly lifted her right foot up. Placing it on his open palms, she held onto the roof to steady herself. Despite the weather, she was beginning to sweat. Watching Kuro suspiciously, she shook her head. She was going to kill him if he dropped her.

     When she gathered enough courage, she pushed up on the other foot and up she went. Luckily, she did not lose her footing at all as she scrambled towards the snowy roof. Breathing heavily, she sat there and waited for Kuro to somehow get himself up here too. Once again, being the talented fuck that he was, he cleanly pulled himself up here.

      She couldn't deny how wonderful the view was though. It looked like a winter wonderland. She could see the sky clearer too. Sticking her tongue out, she caught a snowflake. It melted then and there, turning into water. Turning over to Kuro, she blushed when she saw him watching her in amusement.

     "Did you know that if you if catch a snowflake on your tongue and make a wish, it will come true?" Kuro asked her childishly.

     [Y/N] snorted at that. "That's bullshit, and you know it too."

     He chuckled at her response and she smugly grinned. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she turned herself into a ball. Leaning her head against her knees, she stared at Kuro, who was staring at the sky. The bright moon was reflecting in his crystal eyes, making them really blue. It was mesmerizing and unfair. She wished she had an eye color as pretty as his.

     "Do you... want to talk about it?" she gingerly asked him.

     He shook his head. "I don't want to dampen the mood. We both came here to escape our parents," he whispered. "I just want to be in your company."

      She didn't like how tense he was. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were darkened. He was probably going through a rough time and her heart hurt for him. She wondered if there was something they could talk about to distract him. Getting an idea, she sat upright — which caught his attention. "Hey! What was your dream job when you were a kid?"

     Kuro raised his eyebrows at her random question; he went along with it though. Scratching his head, he looked a little ashamed. "I don't want to sound basic, but... I wanted to be an astronaut," he answered truthfully before he looked back up at the sky. "It's endless out there and there's so much to see. Like what if there's another planet with aliens somewhere? We can't possibly be the only species with internal thoughts in this entire universe. Oh, and I wanted the freedom of it, too."

     She gently smiled at him. "It may be basic, but at least it's cooler than mine."

     He blinked at her. "What was yours?"

     "A firefighter."

     His eyes were blazing. "That sounds pretty damn cool to me, [Y/N]. You were even selfless back then!"

     She laughed. "I don't think that was the reason. It's just so that I can put out the fires or something."

     Kuro smirked as he slid closer to her. His eyes lowering, she noticed how long his eyelashes were. Her eyes trailing across his face, she took in the crook of his nose to the softness of his lips. "Will you put out the fire in my heart, restroom girl?"

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