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     There was something wrong with him, Kuro always knew. He knew the moment he had stood outside in the middle of a playground as the cool raindrops poured down on him and he looked down to see a pair of small, bloodied hands. He was only six then, and he had gotten those bloodied hands from a fight with a way weaker boy. None of the blood was his. Since then, he had questioned about everything he was doing....but it didn't stop there. Instead, it only got worse from there.

     Throughout the years, he'd get into more fights. Watching the kids before him slowly fall towards the cement ground in slow motion, he had smiled at the sight of it. Their eyes blackened and bruised, their lips cracked, and teeth broken, it was all because of him. It made him thrilled and his head would be pumped of adrenaline.

     He also loved to step on flowers. In his mother's beautiful garden, he'd stared at the roses, lilacs, and tulips for a few minutes. It usually didn't take long for him to get bored and get the urge to break them though. He would plant a kiss on the plant and then stand up. Lifting up his legs, he would stomp on it roughly repeatedly, until the poor plant crumbled into pieces. Mixed with the dirt and ground below, it would look like a dead corpse. With its petals torn and laying on the ground, he would inspect it closely, before moving on to the next one.

     He would repeat this cycle until he was satisfied.

     Of course, he felt guilty for all of this. He sometimes felt the wretched feeling tearing away in his heart as he looked at the unfortunate kids that had gotten beaten up by him, the disappointed teachers, and his mother's crestfallen face when she saw her stepped on flowers.

     Because of the feeling, he went to deal with it. To distract himself from the monstrous urge of breaking things, he decided to focus on studying. Spending countless times in the library, he forced himself to do his work, and ended up actually enjoying it. The books he buried his head in brought him far away, in unfamiliar lands where he could be whoever he wants to be. He was able to be someone who didn't need to ruin everything in front of him. He got to be someone who was a hero.

     It helped, but it wasn't exactly enough. His father, the damn business man, had filled him with hatred. He despised his father. The bastard would beat the shit out of him, telling to be better, to be smarter, to be stronger, and follow his footsteps into becoming CEO. Kuro didn't want that.

     He couldn't retaliate his father, so he had to release his anger somewhere else. It returned him back to square one. He fought more students and stepped on more flowers.

     It became periods of when he was calm and doing just fine...while other times he unleashed hell to break everything.

     He was scared of his father...but he was also afraid of himself. He would try to ignore it, but there had been multiple times when his thoughts became so dark, he thought out ways to...kill the man.

     High school came, and that also meant girls. Noticing that his male classmates had began to gawk at the girls in his class, it interested him and he saw the attractiveness of the female body. Taking advantage of his good looks, he easily seduced a really pretty girl. It was a new experience, and he found out it was another way to satisfy the monstrous urge inside his heart.

     Enjoying it, he went to sought out more girls. He even started to sleep with them.

     But what really satisfied him was the aftermath. He would excitedly watch the naive girls who were fooled by his fake love see it all crumbled. He loved watching the heartbreak. He loved the tears falling out of their eyes and their mascara streaking passed their cheeks. Even the slaps they laid on his face and their fists pounding against his chest as they shrieked in pain made him giddy.

     He found out about soccer in high school too. The physical strength it required had quenched the desire to beat people up, so he no longer was seen as a bully. That indicated that he could only rely on breaking girls' hearts to satisfy him.

     Which was why it angered him immensely when [Y/N] had saved Aoi from her grieving stage. To give the girl a taste of her own medicine for doing so, he decided to break her best friend's heart. But as he tried to, [Y/N] still interrupted his goal, over and over.

     So now that he was here, sitting here in front of the interesting girl, curiosity had won over him. She was ranting to him and even accusing him about everything.

     Seeing tears fall always made him happy....but that day when he saw her tears in that hallway, it had hurt him. It was hurting him right now as he watched her sad eyes glance over at Miku.

     He didn't understand why it was happening, neither was he liking it. But it intrigued him and he was not going to stop until he figured this out.

     "Hey..." Kuro said hesitantly. He couldn't help but want to comfort her. "If Miku is a true friend, she would soon realize her mistakes and apologize to you."

    "You think so?" the [h/c] haired girl in front of him asked, her voice leaking of desperation. She sighed loudly. "I can't believe I'm seeking advice from the dickhead who stole my best friend in the first place."

     [Y/N] may not know it, but he did pretty much try to steal her best friend. She was practically spot on, so he let out a laugh. What surprised him was that she had cracked a smile too, and the sight of it took his breath away.

     For once, he did not want to break a girl's heart.

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