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     Why the hell did people walk so slow for? It was pissing [Y/N] off as she darted through the tables and was stuck having to follow behind other people. They were busy talking to each other and ignoring the fact at how rude they were to others around them. It made her look like a fool, trying to surpass these people only to end up reluctantly walk slow behind them. It sort of gave her the urge to just shove everyone in front of her roughly, but she knew it would only create more unneeded drama. She didn't have time for such frivolous things.

     After she escaped the groups of slow people multiple times, she had finally reached Kuro and Aoi. They were still busy talking to each other and when she arrived, they did not seem a bit surprised to see her. If she dare to say, Aoi even looked excited to see her. That was unexpected.

    Even so, she kept her anger up and still planned on to scold her. "After all the things you made me do—"

    "Thank you [Y/N]!" the girl interrupted her, grinning. Taken aback, she hesitantly glanced around. All she saw was Kuro smirking at her.

    "Uh....why?" she asked uneasily.

    "You talked to Kuro for me and now I know the actual reason to why he left me! There's no longer any tension between us and we're on good terms," she explained cheerfully. "So thank you. You got me out of my depressing stupor."

     [Y/N] bit her lip. She was no longer angry at her, but instead felt guilty. She didn't actually know the real reason to why he left her. At least Aoi was happy, right? But was she doing the right thing by lying straight to her face like this? "You're welcome, I guess," she replied awkwardly.

     "I'll go grab lunch now, so see you guys later!" Aoi said, waving to the both of them.

     Shit. She didn't want to be left here alone with Kuro. Before she could open her mouth to tell Aoi that she'd grab lunch with her, the girl had already ran away. She watched the girl's back fade within the crowd of students and sighed. She didn't want to turn to look at the boy in front of her, but she didn't want to be seen a coward.

     His unwavering, blue eyes greeted her and his lips were still turned upward. "Glad you decided to save the girl from more heartbreak," he said to her.

     "Well you're a terrible person for thinking that way," she shot back.

     He chuckled, his dimples showing. "Tell me something we already don't know," he said. He paused for a second and his voice dropped to a loud whisper. "Instead....tell me why you were at my party last night."

     She remembered the way his eyes raked down her body and almost shivered. Being the player he was, he probably imagined her naked. What an absolute pig. "Are you telling me that a girl like me can't party every once in a while? I thought your party was open to anyone at this school?" she snapped at him.

     "It is open to anyone," he agreed. "It's just that I was pleasantly surprised to see you there."

     She blinked at his words. Pleasantly surprised!? Why would he like to see her there? When she saw him there, she felt things far from being pleasantly surprised. She stared at him to see that his smirk was no longer there and his eyes were serious. He actually seemed genuine when saying that. Well, he did pretty much outright lie to his ex+girlfriend though, so she shouldn't be so quick to trust him.

     "We didn't even talk," she stated. She didn't know what else to say in response.

     "You didn't talk. I did," he pointed out. She grunted, but she guessed he had a point.

     "Bye," she said coldly, similar to all the other times she left him.

     "Bye restroom—"

      "[Y/N]!" someone else interrupted Kuro. In realization, her eyes widened in horror and whipped around to see Miku coming towards her. Then there was the player, his ears perking up at the mention of her name. He finally knew her fucking name. Dammit. She had planned to avoid him for the rest of her life and for him to never know her name.

      It was all over now.

     She gritted her teeth and glared at her best friend. Miku, who didn't know what she did wrong, grew very confused.

     But that wasn't what [Y/N] was focused on. Her eyes were on the dark-haired handsome boy a few tables away that had the biggest grin on his face. He looked like he had just become victorious on something big.

     "[Y/N]." He sounded the syllables out in the lowest and sexiest voice. He said it slowly, as if he was savoring the taste and delight of it. Their eyes made contact. "I finally know your name, thanks to your beautiful friend-." He then swept his eyes to the pretty girl beside her.

     Miku noticed that he was talking about her and her cheeks grew red. "Miku," she answered. She shyly fluttered her eyelashes at him. [Y/N] immediately did not like the exchange she saw between them. It made her want to cover her friend entirely from Kuro's view. She would not be able to handle anymore heartbreak that comes from this player.

     "Your beautiful friend, Miku," he continued easily. His hands roamed through his messy, dark hair. "Guess I got the chance to learn two beautiful girls' names today."

    While it made her shoot eye daggers at him, her friend giggled at the comment. She really did not like where this was going.

    "You don't deserve to know our names. I don't want to ever hear them coming out of your dirty mouth again," she demanded.

     He tilted his head in an undeniably, adorable way. His eyes twinkled in amusement. "Do you prefer to be called restroom—"

     She abruptly grabbed Miku's wrist and walked away. Her friend reluctantly walked with her, but she knew there was a frown on her face for having to already leave Kuro like that.

    All she could hear was Kuro's laugh in the background as she stalked angrily away from him.

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