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Pounding her feet against the cement beneath her, she blindly ran through the outside world. Her mind cloudy and the tears pouring nonstop out of her tired eyes, she couldn't seem to stop running. Not when the aftertaste of soap still sat at the back of her throat and an unsettling feeling laid there on her chest, suffocating her. The beautiful sun beaming down on her, she mentally cursed at it. It was supposed to be a fucking happy day. How did it come to this? What did she do to deserve this?

     [Y/N] didn't know where the hell she was going, so she let her legs guide her randomly. She didn't care where she went, as long as it wasn't that wretched house. She couldn't bare to see her parents' cold and heartless eyes anymore. She was disgusted how they dared to call themselves her parents. But that wasn't the only thing she was disgusted about. She was mostly disgusted with herself....for she knew that deep down, no matter how cruel they treated her, she still wanted to impress them.

    She ran and ran and ran. If only she could literally run away from her problems.

     Even with her head going haywire, she had somehow ended up at the edge of the woods. The same woods she had been in a few weeks ago. She understood why, for the place she saw was one that could comfort her. Just like the first time she saw the scenery, she was hoping it would be able to take her mind far away again....maybe to a magical place where she didn't have to be a girl forced upon expectations and overshadowed by her best friend.

     Her legs having a mind of their own, they hurried through the messy route and because her eyesight was still foggy, she tripped over the branches. Falling to the ground, face planted on the dirt, her clothes flaked of mud, and her hair messy with leaves in them, she didn't give up. Pushing herself upward, she continued onward. She tripped countless of times, but the view that greeted her at the end of the trip was worth it.

     The familiarity of the lake with its usual shine had already begun to soothe her. Breathing in the clear air of her surroundings, she imagined herself in a fairytale, where she was the protagonist of her own story.

    The sound of a rustle startled her and she opened her eyes in fear. Seeing that there was nothing out of the ordinary from where she was standing, she slowly stepped through the grass to see who or what made a sound. Walking among the beautiful trees, she suddenly stopped mid step and gasped when she saw Kuro lying in the grass. He was in a peaceful sleep, curled up on one side, as the gentle wind blew against his dark hair.

     Her eyelashes lowering down upon him, she admired the glow of his skin, the curve of his nose, the rosiness of his lips, and the nape of his neck that laid there, exposed. Suddenly, as if realizing how creepy her actions were, she back away and lost her balance. She then tipped over backwards and landed her butt on the ground with a thud. Wincing at the throb of her hind, she rubbed it sorely. Then she grimaced, because such a noise would wake an entire household. Indeed, it had awoken the boy in front of her.

     His blue eyes opening groggily, he blinked for a few moments at the sight of her. "[Y/N]?" he whispered, his forehead furrowed in confusion. He scanned her up and down and silently raised his eyebrows at her disheveled appearance. She ignored the look.

     Struck by an idea, she brushed herself off and stood up before him. It was a great plan to distract herself from the hurt she was dealing with. Of course, if she wasn't so heartbroken, she wouldn't be doing such a thing....but desperate times called for desperate decisions. She wasn't in her right mind to even think it through.

     So though, deep in her gut, she knew she shouldn't do it, she reached forward and grabbed Kuro's arm. He looked at her in bewilderment, but she ignored it and tried to pull him up. He was too heavy to do so, but he wordlessly did as she suggested and stood up beside her. Glad that he decided to not be so fucking cocky for once, she gave him a small smile that hid the pain.

     "Come with me," she said curtly. Without looking back on him, she walked through the grassy meadow that radiated of the golden setting sun. The footsteps behind her knew he was following her. Finally reaching the other side of the meadow, they arrived at the bank of the lake and now [Y/N] could see the clear, mesmerizing, blue waters up close. Kneeling down beside it, she dragged her fingers through the cool ripples.

     "So....is there an exact reason why we're here?" the voice behind her asked. It was filled with the familiar tone of sarcasm and arrogance. She didn't mind it for once though, because it was also something that could keep her mind off of things.

     She turned around and straightened up again. Watching him as he watched her back with a look of wonder in his eyes, she nodded.

     Pulling her shirt off and then her pants off, what was left was her underwear, plain and boring as her. Kuro dropped his jaw at her, his cheeks growing red as his lustful eyes swept to her chest, to her soft looking stomach, and her tender legs.

     [Y/N] almost wanted to laugh at his red face. She finally got to see his cheeks crimson as a rose and him looking like a stuttering mess. It gave her the desire to play him, just as much as how he tried to play her and Miku.

    "Strip to your trunks. We're going swimming."

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