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      With her mind spiraling out of control in a hazy daze, she continued to walk like a drunk person through the hallways. Her head downward and her hair still covering her face, [Y/N] silently cried. Her ears focusing on the rhythmic pattern of her heavy breathing and the steady tear drops splattering onto the hard school floor, she wondered if she was going crazy. She had never fought with her best friend like this before....they were always on such great terms. But of course, the moment a boy appeared between them, the friendship would strain.

      Not paying attention to where she was going, she had suddenly rammed into someone and the familiar scent of mint filled her nose, mixed with a new scent: pine. Feeling her shoulders tensing up immediately, she backed up and made sure to keep her face covered. She didn't need this asshole to see her crying; it would only make this situation worse.

     "Is that you...restroom girl?" the boy in front of her asked. Hearing the nickname made her tremble as her anger for him returned. She had to stay calm. Getting mad at him would only give him what he want. She had to be the bigger person.

     Biting her lower lip to keep from bursting out, blood filled her mouth. She could not give him the satisfaction.

     "Did you not pay attention to where you were going because you wanted to bump into me?"

     Nope. There was no such thing as her being the bigger person in this case. This damn boy ruined her friendship with Miku for fuck's sake! Brushing her hair out of the way, she looked up with furious eyes. She grimaced as she watched Kuro's arrogant face fall into shock and unease.

     "Fuck off," she barked. Relieved to see that there wasn't anyone besides them at the hallway, she hurriedly wiped at her wet cheeks.

     "You were....crying," he stated the obvious.

     She ignored his comment. "Stay away from Miku. Leave us the hell alone."

     The two of them stiffened as the bell rang, signaling the students to go to their classes. The hallway was no longer empty with the students hurrying through them to get to their first class of the day. [Y/N] was also about to go, but before she could even take a step, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side of the hallway. She turned to her right to glare at Kuro, who wouldn't let go. What was this boy's problem? Did he not have an ounce of guilt for everything he had put her through so far?

     "Let go," she demanded as the crowd of students lessened in the hallway. The hold on her did not weaken.

     His blue eyes serious and focused on hers, he shook his head stubbornly. "Skip your first class."

     She bristled at those words. "What did you just say?!" she snarled, violently trying to pull her arm away from him. He was just too damn strong.

     "You heard me," he said confidently.

     "Are you trying to get me killed by my parents!?" she hissed.

     "Then tell them that you were kidnapped by a boy and couldn't go to class," he suggested with a grin. [Y/N] blankly stared at his perfectly, white teeth shining at her. She wished she could break all his teeth so he'd never smile again. He really had the nerve to grin right now.

     She sighed warily. "Why do you need me to skip?"

     Kuro had a far-away look in his eyes when she watched him expectedly. She did not want to spend more time with him....but the face he made caught her attention. She was now curious. His eyes contained secrets and mysteries that no one knew.

     "We're going somewhere that's going to calm you down a little," he informed her.

     The bell rang again and she fell to the ground on her knees. Her arm was still held by Kuro though, so it was a rather awkward position. But that was the least of her worries. This was the second time in her entire existence that she was late to class. Her face smushed on the dirty ground, she clenched her left fist and repeatedly hit the ground. "No!!" she cried out, as she imagined the consequences.

     She slammed down her fist three times before she was yanked upward by Kuro. The air leaving out of her, she was back up on her two unsteady feet. She nearly stumbled into the boy, but luckily managed to get her footing on time. He chuckled in amusement. "You're getting your pretty little face all dirty," he pointed out. She blushed at those words and blushed even more when his finger reached her face to gently swipe a piece of dirt stuck on her face. Her heartbeat racing, she slapped the hand away, but that got no reaction from the boy.

     "I'm serious. I really can't afford to miss class," she begged. "Let me go. Please."

     "I'm serious too. I got ways to prevent you from getting in trouble. You don't need to worry," he said, his eyes softening. "Just trust me [Y/N]."

     Trust. That damn word again. Thinking back to Miku and her words, [Y/N] could feel her chest tightening once more. The one boy who broke the trust between her and her friend was standing before her, asking her to trust him. Was this some kind of sick joke? She laughed bitterly at the irony of it, earning a weird glance from Kuro. After a few seconds of laughing insanely to herself, she stopped and looked at the player coldly. "There's no such thing as trust in this," she said. Then taking a deep breath, she continued, "but I will go with you, just this once."

     "Yes ma'am," he obediently responded, mock saluting her. She twitched in annoyance at that, but did not say anything. "This will help you for your presentation, don't you think?"

     She blinked. "How'd you know I have a presentation?"

     He gave her a sly smirk. "Wouldn't I have one too if I'm joining your class?"

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