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The second she came home was when her mother decided to interrogate her. Faltering her stomps as she reached the living room and the anger diffusing from her face, [Y/N] had noticed that her parents were waiting for her. Their faces rigid and their eyes narrowing into glares, she took this as not such a great of a sign. They even got up from where they sat to stand...right in front of her. What the hell did she do now?

Her mother slowly held up papers and showed it to her. Her [e/c] eyes laying on the contents of the sheets, she could feel her blood freezing at the sight of them. It was...over. How could she have been so stupid to leave those around?! She flinched the moment the woman's sickly sweet voice spoke. "Would you please enlighten us on what this is about?"

Her vision stuck on the script-like words, she could even read them from here. Oh how she wished she could just yank it out from this woman's grip and burn it all. "I-it's not what you think it is," she murmured quietly.

Her mother raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? Because...from what I can see, these are scripts for you to practice on. You were trying to deceive us with your relationship with Kuro, weren't you?" she said with a smile that seemed insane to [Y/N]. Before she could seem to process the monstrosity in front of her, her face was suddenly grabbed by her mother's hand. The nails digging into the soft tenders of her cheeks, she could feel warm liquid dripping out. The nails went deep enough that blood was oozing out. She tried to pull away, but like all the other times, it was all fucking useless.

"W-what do you want from me?!" she cried out. She was so, so tired of this bullshit. Tired of everything, really.

"I want you to be a good girl!!" her mother snarled, pushing her. She was let go, but the force was so rough that she hit the wall right behind her, her poor head landing most of the hit. Holding her head and curling into a ball, she trembled. She wished she could scramble to somewhere else when she could hear footsteps coming her way again. "You bitch. You disgust me. You're lucky we didn't disown you immediately when we found these in your room. You've been perfect for your entire life. Why the change, daughter? Why did you pretend to date Kuro, you bitch?"

She leaned into the wall and because it was silent, she waited for the woman to strike her again. A minute went by and nothing happened, so she looked up in a blurry confusion. She widened her eyes when she saw him firmly holding her mother's arm - the one that was about to hit her.

"Don't lay your hands on her," he said. She saw that his eyes were darkened and his teeth were bared so much, they looked like fangs. A relief went through her a few moments...before she grew afraid for Kuro. Was her parents going to do something to him, now that they knew that he knew how they treated her?

"K-Kuro?" the woman stuttered. She was so surprised, because after many years of punishing her daughter, she had gotten used to going through this without interruptions.

"I'm taking [Y/N] with me and you will not stop us," he said calmly, letting go of her arm.

"You can't do that! You son of a bitch!" she protested furiously.

"I can. Unless you want me to call the cops on you to report the abuse of your daughter? Be my guest," he answered, slyly. With that, he easily stepped out from her reach and went to [Y/N] to gently pull her up from the floor. [Y/N] stared at him in awe. He was her savior. He let out a laugh beside her and since she was still holding onto him, the rumbles spread through her body. He took one last glance at the baffled couple behind them. "Indeed, I am a son of a bitch."

He brought her upstairs and standing there in the hallway without the eyes of her parents, she finally spoke. "Kuro - "

"Not now," he cut in, giving her an assuring smile. "I want you out of here as soon as possible, so just pack up now and then we can both leave. We can talk later, okay?"

She nodded at his reasoning and they both hurried to their own rooms. Quickly rifling through her drawer and her closet, she pulled out her most favorite clothes. Placing them into her suitcase, she then grabbed her pillow and blanket from the bed. Picking her hand knife she secretly stored in her drawer and her piggy bank that she saved up for years, she put them in. Lastly, her eye caught the sight of pictures of when she and Miku were little. She looked at the closest one to her. Cute little faces poking out from behind the tree, they both used to look so carefree. Frowning slightly as she thought of the fight with Miku she had earlier today, she still grabbed the picture. She couldn't let go of this friendship just yet.

Packed up and ready to go, she took one last look at the now bare room. She had spent years here, studying relentlessly...so she wasn't sure if she was going to miss it or not. Taking a deep, staggering breath, she finally walked out of the room to find Kuro already finished and in the hallway. He brightened to see her and firmly went to grab her hand. Together and linked, they got out of the house and climbed into Kuro's car.

She had so much to say to him a few moments ago, but currently, there were too many thoughts consuming her head. Without having to be in the hands of her parents...she felt lost. Her entire life was controlled and all she had to do was follow in them. She didn't seem to know who she was anymore. Actually...she never knew who she was in the first place. It was as if she'd been a soulless zombie for all these years. She had no dreams. She had no passion. She had no motivation.

She knew she had to say one thing to Kuro though. "Thank you."

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