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It was easy to get the information out. Kuro had a friend who was known for having a loud mouth. All he had to do was accidentally slip the words out. Afterwards, his friend Chiko did the rest of the work by telling it to anyone he ran across. It pleased him when he saw students staring and whispering when he came to school Monday morning. [Y/N] may have hated what had happened and though she didn't know it was him who started it, she would soon understand that this was all for her own good.

     It was now Saturday and he had an hour before their designated date starts. He wanted to find his girlfriend a simple gift, so he went to a nearby mall to go shopping. He had noticed the way she stared at the books longingly at the library and he had planned to get her one.

     Walking through the large mall and passing by groups of people, he then slowed down when he saw a jewelry shop. Peering through the glass, what caught his eye were a pair of gorgeous, silver earrings. He could already imagine how wonderful they'd look on [Y/N].

     He pulled away. He was going overboard; after all, this was only their first date.

     Turning away from the shop, he widened his eyes when he spotted a familiar figure. His lips curling up, he walked towards the middle of the mall. What a turn of events indeed....he never thought he'd run into him already. He stopped in front of the boy who was putting a quarter into the machine to grab a gumball.

     Shou looked up in surprise and stood up after he plopped the gum into his mouth. "It's you! Hello!"

     "Shou," he said with a hint of a sneer.

     The guy gasped. "You remember my name!"

     Kuro nodded. "Mind if you accompany me to the restroom? I would like to talk to you some more, but I desperately need to go."

     The boy agreed to go and he almost laughed at how easy this was. They made their way to the nearest restroom and he looked up to make sure there weren't any cameras lying around the narrow hallway. He entered into a family restroom and though Shou was hesitant at first, he joined the small room. Kuro made sure that there were no cameras in here as well and when he was satisfied, he locked the door behind him.

     He proceeded to stand there, blocking the doorway. Confused, Shou pointed something out. "Didn't you say you needed to go?"

     "No," he bluntly answered. "I'm here to talk about [Y/N]."

     Shou grinned at him excitedly. "Oh! Are we going to talk about how cool she is? This sounds fun."

    "Wrong," he stated coldly. Extending his arm and snaking his hand around the boy's thin arm, he instantly tightened his grip. His fingernails began to dig into the tender skin of the brown haired boy and that was when worry overcame the boy's carefree expression. "It's much simpler than that. What I want from you is to stay away from her. That should be pretty easy....right?"

     "I....I don't understand. Why?" Shou questioned, looking miserable at the idea of it.

     Kuro barked out a laugh and looked at him menacingly. "Why? Because if you know what's good for you, you'd do so."

    He shook his head, his hair flailing around. "I can't do that!" he declared loyally. "She's my friend and I care for her."

    Kuro gritted his teeth and rage filled his eyes. "Here I thought you'd be smarter than this, but I guess not. Maybe you need to learn a fucking lesson. [Y/N] doesn't need you in her life." Using his other hand, he covered Shou's mouth with it and kept it there. For the other hand, he squeezed the arm and would not let go. The boy writhed against him and he could feel the agonizing screams that were trying to come out of Shou's mouth, but was muffled. Tears even poured down his cheeks and he was doing anything to get out of his hold, but it was of no use.

     It was quiet, but they both noticed it. A sickening crack echoed through the restroom walls and they froze. Breathing heavily, Kuro stared at the arm he was holding onto. He could feel warm liquid running beneath his fingers, and the arm he was holding onto...felt limp.

     Shou was also staring at his arm, his entire body immobilized in fear of the horrid truth.

     When Kuro released the arm, what they saw was a bloody mess. Dark red blood was dripping from the arm and the once-working limb was disjointed. Dangling mid-air, it was dead.

     Whimpering as more tears covered his face, Shou crumpled onto the floor, cradling his arm. Kuro could only watch the scene before him blankly. He had broken this kid's arm. And no amount of surgery could fix this. It had been a while since he last physically hurt someone like this.

     His head suddenly pounding in pain, he jerked away and grasped his temples. Sweat filled his forehead and dampened his bangs. He had to get away from this. He couldn't leave this boy without a few last words though. Lowering himself next to the poor guy, he forced himself to say, "Take this as a warning. You'll keep this a secret, won't you?"        

     Terrified, Shou quickly nodded his head and their conversation ended.

     With shaky hands, Kuro unlocked the door and quickly left the restroom. His mind in a daze, he knew he had to distract himself from this. Rummaging through his pockets like a madman, he relaxed when he could feel it laying there. Staggering out of the mall and making a beeline to his car, he immediately took out the blunt. He lit it up and inhaled it deeply. His tense muscles unwinded themselves and he continued to sit there.

     It wasn't until hours later when the high faded did he realize that he had forgotten his date with [Y/N].

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