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It was a mess. The way that [Y/N] and Kuro had to leave the school was hard. For one, they had to leave the school without anyone seeing them, and for another, they had to do all of that without speaking to each other. Basically, as the large crowd of students hurried to leave, they made some uncomfortable eye contact to one another to make sure they were on the same page. It let Kuro break away from his friend group and step into the car and let [Y/N] continue walking down the sidewalks.

     Kuro drove very slowly next to where she walked and they continued to do that until the street was barren from any other students. Then she quickly climbed onto the car and sat down on the passenger's seat. Letting out a sigh, she leaned back. "That was way too much work," she said.

     "If you want to be known as my side hoe, that works for me too," Kuro responded with a mischievous smile.

     She glared at him. "Shut up and drive to your house."

     He did a small nod. "Yes ma'am."

     The drive was quick and when they arrived at the big mansion house that she'd been to before during Halloween, she still could not keep her awe in tact. Without students partying outside on the lawn and blaring music playing, the place now seemed so much more elegant. Kuro pulled up onto the long driveway and parked the car.

     "Can't believe I'm here again," she murmured to herself as she slid off the seat. She followed Kuro, who walked up the large stairs and onto the front door. Using a key, he opened it and allowed them inside. Surprising them, a maid came to the room to greet them. It made [Y/N] relieved, considering that she was correct in them not being fully alone.

     "Let's get onto it then," Kuro said. "Should we go to my bedroom to discuss on some things?"

     Suddenly imagining the....activities he had done in that room left her cheeks ablaze. "Ahhh, no thank you," she replied in a shaky voice. "I think a living room works better."

     He only shrugged at that and began towards to wherever the living room was. Even though she had already been here, she would for sure get lost again.

     They got to the large living room, so the two of them plopped down onto the large sofa. Lazily draping himself over the couch in an obnoxious manner, the boy looked over at her. "Can I take a nap first?"

     "No," she said in annoyance. "And sit up straight. I need to see how well you can act."

     She took out some scripts that she had typed out a few days ago. Zipping up the backpack, she handed one of the scripts to Kuro and opened up hers. She watched as he looked at it in confusion and frowned. "Can't we just act out as we go along? There are different ways your parents could react to this," he said as he gestured at the both of them.

      "I can work on more to include any scenarios that could ever happen," she explained. Sure, it would be a lot to do, but she could not leave any mistake on this. Her life pretty much depended on it, so if thousands of more workload was what she had to do to achieve it, she was going to do it. Which was why it angered her when she heard Kuro's loud ass laugh.

     He raised his eyebrows and looked at her in shock for a few moments while he laughed. "You're so extra, restroom girl. I like it. But unfortunately, that won't work. I think we should just improvise instead."

     "Either you or I will mess up if we do this," she argued.

     "You're overthinking on this," he countered. "How would we mess up? It's not likely that we would expose ourselves that we're fake dating."

     She hated to succumb to his ideas, but she had to admit his sounded better. It irked her, how he always seemed to be in more control with the situation than her. In any situation, really. Wasn't he supposed to be a dumbass? "Alright, fine," she agreed exhaustingly. Kuro grinned at her cheekily. "Let's just read these scripts so that I can know how good you are at acting."

     "Sounds good," he said. He quickly scanned over the pages and nodded. He stood up and went to the middle of the living room. He drew his finger in a the air to make a large rectangle. "This is the door to your house, yeah?"

     [Y/N] nodded and also stood up. He pretended to press on an imaginary doorbell and she proceeded to open the door. "Kuro!" she greeted him. She turned around to where her parents would stand. "Mother, father, I would like you to meet my new boyfriend."

     A pair of arms then wrapped around her. The heat that held her got her feeling a little lightheaded. "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Amari," he said easily. The large hands swept slightly on her back. Instead of conversing to the imaginary parents, the boy bent his head and caressed her cheek gently, erupting tingles on her face. He whispered into her ear. "Remember?" Her mind reeled back to the day at the soccer game. She hated how helpless she appeared that day.

     Her heart pounding, she broke out of his embrace. "What are you doing?" she exclaimed furiously.

     He blinked for a few seconds. "I was teasing you a little. I didn't mean to scare you, sorry."

     "Well don't do that again," she snapped. "I need a break."

     "We've only just started though."

     "I don't care," she growled. She stalked back to the couch and the window caught her eye. Curiously, she leaned forward to see a garden full of flowers. She gasped at the sight of it. It was beautiful. The garden stretched wide and in it were flowers of pretty much every kind. Though the cold weather was coming, the flowers were safe because of the greenhouse. They were rich enough to afford such a thing, after all.

     She gazed it happily and dreamily for a few seconds, but something else caught her attention. Near the window, she saw a pile of trampled flowers.

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