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     Sometimes [Y/N] wondered about her terrible decision-making skills regarding her best friend. The decision she made today seemed to be the worst one yet. Throughout the past week, she had fought with Miku about the damn player, Kuro, but the girl did not budge. It seemed as if the encounter of him learning their names had totally gotten her to fall in love with him at first sight. Now that the playboy had gained another fangirl, Miku wanted to join all the other girls out in the field after school to watch him play soccer. Apparently, he was very good at the sport and was captain of the team, which only made him even more swoon worthy. More like gag-worthy.

     Of course, Miku did not want to go alone to watch the game, so all day long she had begged [Y/N] to come with her. She was not pleased, especially since the sight of Kuro made her want to yank all of her [h/c] hair out. There was no way in hell she was going to go just to cheer for the stupid asshole and his team.

     Though as always, due to Miku's puppy eyes and her consistent begging, [Y/N] lost all her patience and accepted the invitation. It didn't make her feel any better, but at least she could avoid her parents a little while more.

     So here she was, following Miku out of the school doors and walking to the side of the building, where the fields for sports were located. They turned a corner and there it was. The soccer field was filled of high school boys from their school and boys from another school that stood at the other end of the large field. Luckily for all of them, the sun was shining brightly today and the temperature was around the 60s.

      Her best friend grinned and eagerly hurried up to the benches that stood on the side. She sighed and also walked to the benches reluctantly. Maybe she could attempt to do her homework while she's here.

     She reached the benches after her friend did and widened her eyes to see that there were actually quite a good amount of people here. A lot of girls that she had seen in her classes were here and a lot of parents and siblings of the soccer team were also here to support the game.

     She climbed up the benches and looked to see where her friend hurried off to. She raised her eyebrows even more when she saw that Miku was sitting beside Aoi, who was gazing out at the field dreamily. She approached the bench level and sat down beside her friend.

     "Hey [Y/N]!" greeted Aoi shyly. "I'm surprised you're here."

     "Yeah, I'm surprised myself," she told the girl warily. Aoi laughed as if she had said the funniest thing ever. [Y/N] did not join in with the laughter and the girl quickly stopped, clearing her throat awkwardly.

     "Are you guys here for someone?" she asked.

     "No," she responded the same time when Miku had said yes. The two girls turned to each other with annoyance flashing through their eyes as Aoi watched them in confusion.

     "We're here to see Kuro," Miku explained once she turned away from [Y/N]. The girl's shock was there for a split second before she concealed it with a neutral expression. [Y/N]'s best friend didn't seem to notice, but she sure did.

     "By the looks of it, you're here for him too, aren't you Aoi?" she added in coolly. "It doesn't seem like you're over him yet." She wasn't exactly sure why she was being so mean to this girl—maybe because of her agitation for being here or the anger she couldn't seem to get rid of inside of her, but she immediately regretted her comment at the sight of the girl's crestfallen face.

     "[Y/N]!" Miku gasped in disappointment.

     "No....no, it's okay Miku. She's just curious," Aoi said, giving them a wavering smile. "I...I am over him. I'm just here as a supporting friend for him." As she was saying that, it was clear that she was trying to convince herself of that too.

     [Y/N] honestly couldn't blame her....for who would be able to get over someone that quickly? Well maybe Kuro, because he was a cold-hearted bastard, but besides him, not really anyone. It would have to take at least a few more weeks or even a few months before someone could get over their breakup. Even though Aoi had gotten the closure that she needed, it was obvious she still wanted to be with him.

    It was obvious, because even now was she staring at the boy standing in the field with a mixture of pain and love in her eyes.

    [Y/N] glanced at Miku and her heart was torn. She did not want that to happen to her best friend. She could not allow it—would not allow it to happen. She was going to do anything to prevent her from blindly falling into Kuro's trap, which would only lead to heartbreak.

     "It's starting!" Miku squealed, startling her out of her thoughts. She straightened herself out and looked in front of her to see that Kuro and the other team captain was deciding on who would start with the ball first.

     This was the first time today that she actually focused on the boy. His black jersey fit him perfectly and because he was wearing shorts, his strong calves were shown. He stood out among the other boys. His handsome features and the confidence on his face made him perfect for captain. He was also so tall that he was a few inches taller than most of the team members.

     Kuro turned away from the other captain with a fist in the air in victory. They had gotten to start with the ball. As he walked back to his position as right forward, he deliberately turned his head to the crowd on the benches. All the girls around her stared back at him with their faces blushing. But his sharp blue eyes were on [Y/N] and it got her heart to beat rapidly as they held eye contact for a few seconds. Then he smirked and focused back to the game.

     Was she imagining things?

     Yeah....she had to be. Why would he stare at her among all of these girls? He knew how much she hated him.

     He was probably staring at his next victim in bed instead. He might've been staring at Miku.

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