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Her heart was pounding against her chest as she stepped out of her house. Miku wondered if she might die today, in the hands of the one and only Kuro. But did she have any other ideas? No. Just calling the police on Kuro wouldn't be enough to get him arrested. She needed proof, and she needed it now. She had already done a bunch of crazy actions today, so she might as well go all the way. It was time for her to find that motherfucker.

Going on the same route that she took earlier this morning when she went to save [Y/N] from her depressing stupor, she continued walking through the sidewalks. Mothers pushing their children on strollers and people going on walks with their dogs, it all seemed too normal for her. Oh how she wished she was just going for a jog on this lovely day instead of meeting her doom.

She didn't want to die.

Her sweaty palm grasped the taser that she slipped into her sweatshirt pocket. She gulped. If she failed, then it was all over. She would not go to her dream college and find the love of her life to have a family with. Her face, her motives, and her name would be wiped from existence, forgotten by everyone. What about [Y/N]? If Kuro were to find her, she was going to continue to be trapped in a cobweb of lies woven by him. She would think that this was love, when all he was doing was taking everything from her life: her freedom, her happiness, her future.

Miku sped up her pace and as the neighborhoods turned into bigger mansions, suffocation clawed at her throat. Her entire body trembling, she was doing everything possible to keep herself from running back home.

Her arrival to the mansion was much sooner than she liked it to be. Slowly walking passed the intimidating metal gates that were opened, she stopped in her tracks when she saw Kuro already outside. Luckily, he hadn't seen her just yet, so she quickly hid behind a decorative bush near her. Glancing through the gaps of the green leaves, she could see that his glaring eyes were bloodshot and his movements were harsh. He was very angry...and she knew exactly why.

He went over to his car and she could hear a loud sound. Her dark eyes widened and the blood drained from her face when she realized he had punched the side of his car, denting it. She quickly took her phone out and began a voice recording. Placing it back into her pocket, she took a deep breath.

Pushing herself off the ground, she walked up the driveway, immediately catching Kuro's attention. His menacing glare turned towards her, growing more agitated to see it wasn't who he thought it was. "Miku. It was you, wasn't it?"

"I have no clue what you're talking about," she answered slyly.

He took a step closer, his teeth baring and looking sharp as canines. She refrained herself from flinching backwards. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, bitch. Tell me, where is she?"

It was so strange to see him like this - so different from who he portrayed himself to be at school. The charming facade of his was gone. Now there was only his obsession with [Y/N]. Had he always been like this, but covered it all up?

She continued to play dumb. "Who?"

He stared at her for moment and then let out a barking laugh that made the hairs on her arms rise. He was so...creepy. It was as if he could read through her. He stopped and grabbed her face roughly, pulling her towards him. She could see straight into his blue eyes, churning darkly, like a sea in a storm. "I should've killed you from the beginning, Miku. You're such a hassle, you know that?"

The hand went from her face to her neck. It went around the tender skin, tightening it, like a snake coiling on in its prey. She pulled at his outstretched hand, but the grip would not loosen. She gasped for air, letting out raspy notes as she tried to scream. Her head was getting lightheaded. This was not how it was supposed to go. She wasn't supposed to die yet.

She couldn't go down without a fight though. Weakly plunging her hand down the depths of her pocket, she took out the taser out. Without paying much attention, she jabbed the small tool towards the boy in front of her. Unfortunately, it missed him by a feet and the next thing she knew, her taser was knocked right out of her hand.

For some reason, the hand around her throat had let her go. Tumbling onto the ground, she hurriedly consumed in the oxygen she so desperately needed and scratched at the skins of her necks. She scratched so hard that her nails cut through them, bloodying her cuticles.

"Now that you know I won't hesitate to kill you, tell me where [Y/N] is."

"At my house," she wheezed out, coughing hard. Blood flew out, coating the driveway with dark, red splatters and her mouth tinged of the copper taste.


She croaked out the entire information of her address and he wasted no time typing it up on his phone. When that was over, a kick to her gut exploded pain all over her body. She rolled over and was looking up to see Kuro towering over her. "Next time you show your face to me, I'll kill you on the spot," he snarled. He gave her one last cruel smile that immobilized her in fear and a beat later, he was gone, speeding off to find the love of his life.

Groaning, she pushed herself up and looked around the lifeless driveway. She was...alive? Kuro was too anxious about [Y/N] that he must've chose not to waste time in killing her. Miku widened her eyes and yanked her phone out. It was still recording, capturing every moment in the conversation she had with Kuro. Blinded with love, he had made a big mistake on his part. 

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