Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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You were (Y/N) (L/N), a 16-year-old who had just moved to Japan from America. You knew a decent amount of Japanese, but not enough to be considered 'fluent' in the language. This was a problem since you would be attending U.A. on your parent's whim. This was made possible since they had been pros in America and they had made special arrangements to make you able to attend.


Today was your first day of school, something that both excited you and worried you. Because you had moved in the middle of the school year, things would be even more awkward. As you brushed through your hair, your (E/C) eyes were drawn to the mirror. After straightening your uniform, you scanned your appearance. Deciding it was fine, you walked downstairs. Your parents were both out on missions, you were alone in the house.

After doing a final check of everything, you headed outside, into the unknown. As you walked, you had your doubts. They all melted away once you saw the gates of the school. Your eyes widened in shock. The place was huge! You strode into the school confidently, searching for your classroom. Once you found the door, you took a deep breath to steady yourself. You opened the door, peeking inside shyly.

"(L/N), you're here. Take a seat." A man at the front of the room, who you assumed was the teacher, said. You jumped, nodding and taking a seat as quickly as possible. There were a few whispers, but it was silenced. "This is (Y/N) (L/N), a new transfer from America." The teacher explained, causing a few people to stare at you in either shock or confusion. 

The stares made you feel uncomfortable, but you tried to ignore it. The teacher, who you now knew as Mr. Aizawa (more commonly referred to as Aizawa-Sensei), continued with his lesson afterward. You could only pick up about 3/4 of what he was saying, but you made sure to listen to the best of your ability. 

After the bell rang, a boy with green hair walked up to you. "Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya! You're (Y/N) (L/N), right? Do you speak Japanese?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. You nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'm (Y/N). I-I'm not too good at Japanese, though." You explained. He smiled. "That's okay! I can help you to your classes if you'd like." He offered. "Really? That'd be great!" You said, relieved that you wouldn't have to find them all by yourself. 


During lunch, you noticed that everyone seemed to already have their own groups. Not wanting to bother Midoriya further, you went and sat by yourself. A boy with red hair walked over to you a couple of minutes later. "I noticed you were sitting by yourself, so I just had to come over. I'm Ejirou Kirishima, from your class!" He introduced with a wide smile on his face.

As you were about to introduce yourself, he cut you off. "You're (Y/N) (L/N), the transfer from America! That's so cool! What's it like?" He ranted slightly, sitting down across from you. You smiled shyly, trying to figure out how to explain it. "Well..."


You walked home in silence, trying to take everything in. It was so cool! You'd met so many new people, seen so many new things, even learned more Japanese! It wasn't a very long walk, so it only took you a few minutes to get home. Once you did, you plopped down onto the couch and sighed. It was a lot to take in, moving plus going to a brand new school and having to learn a completely new language.

After collecting your thoughts for a few minutes, you got up and went to your computer. You just browsed for a few moments, not knowing what to do. Finally, you decided on just watching some Youtube. 


Earlier that school day, it had been announced that everyone would be doing 1v1 training. Unfortunately, there was an uneven number of students. This meant that there had to be one group of 3. That group had just so happened to be yours. You were teamed with Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo, as Aizawa had called them. Todoroki seemed stoic and cold, Bakugo, on the other hand, was a much more violent form of intimidation.

Everyone was left to do their own kind of training, depending on how they learned best. Bakugo had instantly decided that the three of you were going to do combat training. Todoroki hadn't objected since he didn't really care and you were too intimidated to say anything. "So, new kid! What the hell's your quirk?" Bakugo violently asked, raising an eyebrow.

You jumped slightly, being surprised. "I- uh... I-It's fear manipulation..." You trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck. He looked at you in confusion. "The fuck...?" He asked. You took in a deep breath. This was going to be a long explanation.

(A quick break-down of your quirk.
Fear manipulation allows you to control one's fears, as the name suggests. You can do small things, like make them worry about their appearance, or you can control them on a major level. This can be shown in the form of making them see hallucinations or making them so terrified that they break down. The downside of this power is that any fear you had was multiplied by 100. If used for too long, you become paranoid and won't trust anyone. This is followed by your passing out. You could only activate it once they had stared you in the eyes. If you used your quirk to your full potential, you could leave life-lasting effects.)

"Tch. With a quirk like that, you're better off being a villain." Bakugo insulted, laughing. Todoroki glared at him but didn't say anything. You didn't reply either, too scared of the explosive boy to say anything in return. "Whatever. Let's start." He said, charging at you. Your eyes widened and you moved out of the way as fast as possible. Apparently, he had expected this, quickly turning to the side and continuing his assault. 

During this, he had met your eyes. Now was your chance. Suddenly, he stopped. His hands started shaking and his eyes showed pure fear. Todoroki watched from the sidelines. He seemed intrigued. Tears slowly started to spill from Bakugo's eyes. "No..." He muttered. Feeling bad for him, you stopped using your quirk. He fell onto his knees with tears still falling.

Bakugo looked over to you with what could only be described as pure hatred. "YOU BASTARD!" He yelled, charging at you with his explosions. You dodged out of the way and grabbed his arm, throwing his balance and making him fall. He growled as you pinned him to the floor. Todoroki began slowly clapping as he walked over. "(L/N) wins." He says. After you let go of Bakugo, Todoroki goes to help him up. He refuses and dusts himself off.

"Oh yeah? If you're so great, why don't you go against her, Icyhot?!" Bakugo raged, small explosions spilling from his palms. Todoroki smirked. "I will." He replied, preparing to start the battle. Bakugo walked off to the sidelines, grumbling about his loss. Todoroki didn't look you in the eyes, instead preferring to keep his eyes past you. It was as if he knew...

(That is all for chapter 1! That's right, I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger! Just kidding, I'm probably working on the next chapter by the time this is published. Heck, maybe it's already done and I'm just not telling you~)

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