Chapter 47: Another Day, Another Argument

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Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya stood in the middle of the room, having an intense argument. You were sitting on the bed, covering your ears. It didn't help to block out the sound, though. The yelling, the fighting. It reminded you of how your parents used to fight. Your parents. The mere thought of them brought tears to your eyes. 

With the way things were going, you'd never be able to see them again. You brought your knees to your chest as their fighting got worse. You didn't dare look over, trying to stop the tears from falling. It was impossible. As your mind flashed back to your parents, you started crying. The thought that they might not even notice for at least a few more weeks made things worse.

Would they even care? Would your parents bother to look for you?  Your quiet whines turned into choked sobs as you desperately tried to block out the fighting. Todoroki was the first to notice. He gestured for the other two to be quiet. "What? Why the fuck should I listen to you?!" Bakugo shot back, still not realizing the state you were in.

Todoroki sent Bakugo a quick glare, gesturing over to you. Instantly, he shut up. The ash-blonde carefully walked over, staring at you with sympathy. You had your eyes closed, not wanting to look at them. "(Y/N), dear. Why don't you tell us what's wrong?" The icy hot male asked, gently lifting your chin. 

You immediately pulled away. "You w-want to know what's wrong? Fine." You answered, glaring at all of them, tears still streaming down your cheeks. They seemed taken aback. "You ruined my life! You took every chance I had of being a normal person with a loving family. Mind you, I might never see my family again! Because of you, I've lost my friends, my family, everyone! and you expect me to fall in love with you?! You're psychopaths and I never want to see you again!" You ranted, yelling at the three.

Todoroki seemed pissed, but composed himself. "I understand that's how you feel right now, princ-" You cut him off, glaring harshly. Everyone seemed surprised. "Don't you dare call me princess! You don't have the fucking right! You ruined everything, and you think you can just win me over?! I hope you burn in hell you sick bastard!" You snapped, making the tall male twitch.

Todoroki grabbed you by the wrists. "Don't fucking say that. We saved you. You're just an ungrateful brat. Be thankful that we haven't done anything to you yet. We could've killed you. We could've let Bakugo rape you. So next time, before you say anything, think about all we've done for you." He spat, practically shoving you as he took a step back.

Midoriya sighed. "I hate to say it, doll, but I agree with him. You're being irrational." He said, sending you a cold and unforgiving look. Your crying only got worse. Bakugo tried to move to comfort you, but you flinched away, scared that he was going to hurt you. He understood and moved back, but he didn't say anything.

Todoroki started to leave, with Midoriya following after him. "I hope you die the most painful death possible!" You yelled. The tall male flinched, staring back at you. Surprisingly, he smiled. "Don't worry, butterfly. I plan on it." He replied, slamming the door as he left. You flinched at the loud noise, curling back up into a ball.

Bakugo was still in the room, but he didn't move. He didn't even try to talk to you. He just watched with a sad expression. You continued crying, digging your nails into your skin. The ash-blonde was going to stop you, but decided against it. It wasn't the right time to try anything. Tear tracks stained your cheeks. 

Finally, Bakugo got the courage to walk over. He sat on the edge of the bed without a word. You looked up, backing away slightly. "Hey, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." He comforted, looking at you with sympathy. You didn't say anything, staring in mistrust. He didn't make a move toward you.

"I mean it. I just want to help." Bakugo softly said, which was surprising for his personality. You couldn't hold back your anger. "You just want to help?! Where was that this whole time?! You were the one who tried to rape me!" You yelled, making him flinch. He was going to say something, but he stopped.

Bakugo stayed silent, glancing at the floor. "Or did you just forget that?! Don't tell me you thought that you could just magically make everything better?" You asked with venom. The ash-blonde kept his gaze down. "I don't think that. I never did. What I've done is wrong. I know that. I'm not asking for forgiveness." He barely muttered, not daring to look in your eyes.

You felt a pang of guilt. Bakugo really did seem like he was just trying to help. So, you talked to him. About how you felt, your problems. He listened. He was your shoulder to cry on. It helped a lot more than you expected. Eventually, you wound up in his arms as he comforted you. "It's okay. I'll make sure they won't hurt you anymore." He quietly said, holding you close.


"You're sure a-about this?"

"Yeah! We've got this."

"But we shouldn't do anything yet. We should wait a little longer."

"H-He's right..."

"Okay. We'll wait a little longer. Then we can get your teammates back."

"And after that?"

"W-We go our separate ways."

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