Chapter 8: An Abusive Encounter

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You woke up slowly, your eyes fluttering open. Sunlight shone through your window, practically blinding you as you tried to get out of bed. You rubbed your eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness. After getting dressed and brushing through your hair, you went downstairs. Your parents were still away, so you had to make your own breakfast.

Luckily, you didn't have to rush, since it was a weekend. While you were eating, your phone buzzed. It was a message from Todoroki, although you didn't recall giving him your number. The message was simple, just him asking if you'd like to go to the park. Since you didn't have any other plans, you accepted. The two of you exchanged messages for a few more minutes, although most of it was just preparations.

After quickly finishing your breakfast and making sure you looked presentable, you headed to the park. It didn't take you long to find Todoroki, due to his very distinct features. Once he saw you, he smiled slightly. "(L/N). It's great to see you." He said nonchalantly, placing his hands in his pockets. You smiled. "Likewise, Todoroki!" You replied excitedly.

That sentence made Todoroki's heart flutter. A soft blush found it's way to his face as he tried to keep his composure. "Why don't we stop by the mall? There were a few places I wanted to show you." He proposed, holding out his hand. Instantly, you accepted and took his hand. The icy-hot male led you to a nearby mall that was only a few minutes away.

The two of you explored a couple of stores for the fun of it until you came upon a jewelry store. Todoroki led you inside, seeming content. Your eyes widened in wonder once you looked around. Everything was so pretty! "Go ahead, pick something." He said, gesturing to one of the display cases. Everything was so expensive though!

"Todoroki... I can't afford any of this." You replied, embarrassed. The icy-hot male chuckled in response. "That's why I'm paying, sweetheart." He said before instantly regretting it. Your face flushed to a light pink at his words. You turned to one of the display cases to choose a piece of jewelry. While you did this, Todoroki walked over to a different display case. He bought something that you couldn't see and placed it in his pocket.

You had finally picked something and pointed it out to Todoroki. It was a necklace with a (F/G) [favorite gemstone] on it. He bought it without a second thought and handed it to you. After thanking him, you put in on. He moved your bangs out of your face, smiling softly. "You look beautiful." He complimented. 

As the two of you were about to leave, the cashier spoke up. "What the hell is someone like you doing with a gold digger like her?" He asked, leaning on the counter. Todoroki turned toward him, a deadly serious look on his face. "I'm sorry?" The icy-hot male inquired, wanting to make sure that he heard the cashier correctly. 

"Well, she's obviously only with you for the money. Why else would she hang out with someone way out of her league?" The cashier replied nonchalantly, unaware of what he'd just done. Todoroki's hands balled into fists as he turned back over to you. "I'll join you in a few minutes, please wait for me outside." He said, perfectly calm. For some reason, his quick emotional change scared you. So, you went outside and waited for him.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Todoroki stepped outside, regaining his composure. "Sorry about that." He said, smiling softly. "I just needed to make sure that his manager was aware of how he was acting and that proper action was taken." You were slightly taken aback by how calm he seemed. The two of you continued walking, most likely on your way back to the park. 

"It's fine, as long as he got what he deserved." You replied, shrugging. Todoroki smirked while you couldn't see him. "He definitely got what he deserved..." He whispered, taking your hand in his. The two of you eventually sat down at a bench, hand in hand. "Um, Todoroki?" You asked. He hummed in response, turning to face you. His heterochromic eyes stared into yours as he waited for your question.

"About what you said earlier... did you really mean it?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck shyly. Todoroki seemed slightly surprised. "When I said you were beautiful? Of course, I meant it. You are beautiful on the outside and the inside." He answered, cupping your cheek with his hand. You noticed him reach into his pocket and pull out a little black box. 

You looked down at the box, curious as to what was inside. "While you were busy picking out your necklace, I had something custom-made for you," Todoroki said, opening the box. Inside was a silver ring with two hearts on it. One was (F/C), and the other was half red and half white. You gasped, a bright pink blush finding it's way to your face. "It's so you never forget me." He said, gently smiling at you.

"It's so beautiful..." You muttered, a slight look of surprise still on your face. Todoroki carefully took the ring out of the box. "I didn't know your ring size, so I had to guess. I hope it fits." He said, handing it to you. After trying it on, you noticed that it fit perfectly on your ring finger. "Do you like it?" He asked, blushing slightly. 

You were taken aback. "Like it? I love it!" You answered, wrapping your arms around his neck. His face flushed to a deep red as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist. The two of you sat like this for a few minutes before breaking away. You talked for at least another hour, with Todoroki flirting with you a few times. As you were about to leave, you turned around and gave him a quick kiss. "I'll see you Monday!" You called. His hand brushed against his lips as his face became a deep red. "Yeah... Monday."

Little did you know that on the inside of that ring, there was an engraving. Since you were so quick to put it on, you didn't see it. The engraving read, "To (Y/N) (L/N), my one and only. Not even death could separate us."


"Alright. You know what you're doing?"

"Yep! No way I'll mess this up!"

"Keep telling yourself that. Look, just make sure that you don't mess up."

"I won't!"


"What's that supposed to mean?!"

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