Chapter 42: A Day of Anxiety

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"Todoroki and I have to head out. Be good, you two!" Midoriya said, gathering his things and preparing to leave. Hesitantly, you looked over to Bakugo. You would be stuck with him for who knows how long. Before exiting the door, Todoroki walked over to you. Quickly, he embraced you in a tight hug. "Don't worry, butterfly. I'll be back soon." He comforted, kissing your forehead.

A soft blush covered your features as Todoroki and Midoriya left. After a few moments, Bakugo chuckled. "Finally, those idiots are gone. Now I can show you who you really belong to." He said lowly, sending a shiver down your spine. His crimson eyes showed confidence, cockiness, and an ever so slight lust. 

"What, not going to say anything? How cute~" Bakugo whispered into your ear, making you turn an even darker shade of red. In an act of self-defense, you pushed him away and hugged your knees to your chest. He only smirked, amused with your efforts. "Still trying to resist me~? What a naughty little captive." He remarked, standing above you and staring down at your relatively weak form.

You shook involuntarily, not daring to look up at the crimson-eyed boy. "Oi! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Bakugo shouted, kicking your shoulder and pinning it to the wall. You cried out in pain, hesitantly looking up at him. He used two of his fingers to raise your chin. "That's right~ that wasn't so hard now, was it~?" He asked tauntingly.

Embarrassed and scared, you looked off to the side. Bakugo growled under his breath, grabbing your chin more harshly this time as he forced you to look at him. "Hey! I asked you a question!" He spat, staring down at you in anger. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You tried to move your head, but the ash-blonde was gripping onto it too tightly.

"I'll need a verbal response, darling," Bakugo said, leaning down toward your face. You averted your gaze. "N-No, it wasn't hard..." You muttered, meeting his gaze. He smirked, satisfied. "That's what I thought." He replied, acting like his usual cocky self. The ash-blonde released you and took a few steps back, seemingly not paying attention to you anymore.

You stood up, trying to ignore your shaking. Hesitantly, you went to go sit down. Bakugo suddenly snapped, looking like he was about to hit you. Being as utterly terrified as you were, you shrieked and fell to the floor. Instantly, the ash-blonde started laughing. Feeling even more embarrassed and frustrated, you started to cry. Your hands balled into fists as you kept your gaze on the floor.

"Awe, is something wrong~?" Bakugo teased, crouching down to meet your gaze. You didn't meet his eyes, staring off to the side instead. He chuckled. "Seeing you crying like this... I can't say I hate it. I actually like it a lot." He admitted, cupping your cheek in his hand. You didn't dare to look at him. 

Bakugo stared at you, seeming to enjoy himself too much. Scared, you tried to back up. Unfortunately, this only allowed the ash-blonde to crawl on top of you. He pinned your wrists above your head with one hand, looking down at you hungrily. You fought helplessly against his grasp, your crying only getting worse. 

No matter how much you thrashed and kicked against Bakugo, you couldn't escape him. He lifted your chin, pressing his lips onto yours. You continued to fight his grasp, wanting nothing more than to escape. The ash-blonde broke away, admiring the sight in front of him. "Seeing you like this... I love it." He remarked, staring into your eyes.

Bakugo's gaze trailed down to your neck. "Maybe I should leave a mark on you. Then everyone will know you're mine~" He purred, moving your head to the side so he could reach. You fought even more now, trying to shove him off. Your attempts were cut short as he bit your neck harshly, causing you to cry out in pain. The ash-blonde sucked on the sensitive skin, leaving a hickey.

You shook in fear beneath Bakugo, trying to ignore how much you were crying. He moved back, admiring his handiwork. A smirk adorned his features as he saw the fear in your gaze. One of his hands ran up your stomach, causing you to whimper pathetically. "L-Leave me alone." You tried to sound firm, but your sentence came out as a murmur. 

"Did you say something, pet~? Speak up." Bakugo demanded, watching you squirm beneath him. You spit in his face. "Leave me alone!" You repeated, fighting against his grip again. He seemed even angrier than before. "The fuck did you just say to me?! You're mine, (Y/N). You don't get a fucking choice." He replied, tightening his grip and digging his fingernails into your skin. 

You cried out in pain, tears blurring your vision. Bakugo glared down at you, observing your suffering. "Do you understand me?" He asked harshly, tightening his grip even more and getting closer to you. Slowly, you nodded. "Y-Yes, I u-understand..." You trailed off, terrified for what he might do to you.

Bakugo kissed you again, his free hand wandering slightly. You tried to stop crying, reminding yourself that it was only a matter of time before help would arrive. The ash-blonde moved down to your neck and collarbone, growling like an animal. You whimpered quietly, pleading in your mind for this to end. 

As Bakugo went to remove your shirt, the door opened. Midoriya and Todoroki were home. Immediately, Todoroki pulled Bakugo off of you, pinning him to the floor with an ice blade at his throat. You backed up to the wall, crying into your knees. "Don't you ever touch my princess like that again." The icy hot male growled, pushing the blade into the ash-blonde's throat ever-so-slightly.

Midoriya walked over and placed a hand to Todoroki's shoulder. "Calm down. I can deal with Kacchan later. For now, make sure doll is alright." He demanded, glaring at Bakugo. The tallest male nodded, getting up and crouching in front of you. "Butterfly, are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked, trying to sound as calm and comforting as possible.

You hesitantly looked up, trying to hide the mark on your neck. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore." Todoroki comforted, pulling you into his embrace. You cried into his chest, slowly calming down. He was patient, helping you to the best of his ability. All he wanted was to keep you safe.


"... And why should we trust you?"

"That's fair- but just because I knocked both of you out-"

"-and took (Y/N) from us!"

"... Yeah, I did that too. Not the point! Look, just let me help you!"

"Only if we strike a deal."


"Do you want to work together or not?"

"Fair point, fair point. Fine. What's the deal?"

"We work together as long as I can use my quirk on you."

"I don't see-"

"-it's payback. Deal with it."

"Fine! Deal."

"W- but, Sh-"

"Not now. I need to talk things out with our new... partner."

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